What I know

What I know about trading the emini S&P.


I know it’s a lot easier to make money when the YM agrees

I know it’s a lot more difficult getting follow through when the YM disagrees

I know on small range low volume days to trade small and take quick profits

I know when the ES is near a major 60M 50% level to give it respect

I know that I trade my beliefs about the market and myself

I know that rules = money

I know that breaking rules = losses

I know that patience is rewarded

I know that impatience is punished

I know that if I follow the rules and do my job I will be successful

I know if I relax and just observe the market I will see it more clearly

I know if I don’t care about getting a trade I usually get the best trades

I know that I can’t trade what I can’t see

I know I won’t trade what I don’t trust

I know I make trading harder than it has to be most of the time

I know some days are just hard to read

I know losses are part of the game

I know that if I follow my rules I can keep my losses to a minimum

I know the bigger players always leave footprints

I know that I can track the bigger players

I know I am a better trader when I am a 7 or above

I know my trading will be challenging when I am a 5 or below

I know that my trading plan is there to keep me safe

I know that I should follow my trading plan 100% of the time

I know 2 mistakes is NOT better than ONE

I know when things do not go right to stop and refocus

I know that I should strive to focus on the task

I know that focusing on the outcome will create fear and doubt

I know trading is a game of probabilities

I know I only want to trade when the odds are in my favor

I know that impulse trades are the downfall of even the greatest traders

I know impulse trades put the odds on the other traders side

I know the market does not care what I think

I know the market is the best trader I will ever find

I know the market is the best teacher I will ever find

I know that when I do go off the reservation to quietly come back to center

I know to be more cautious at the end of the week

I know there are some days that I really should not be trading

I know that every day provides an opportunity to learn about myself

I know that every day provides an opportunity to learn about the market

I know that I am the only factor limiting my trading success

I know grinding markets can grind all day long and never stop

I know that clever never wins in the long run

I know one good solid trade is worth 4 marginal trades

I know pushing and forcing are recipes for disaster

I know there are times when the market logic is not present

I know there when emotion takes over my logic is not present

I know that success if a results of small things done consistently over time
