2014 Results

2014 December Total: 46.50

We are wrapping up our trading for 2014 and want to wish all of you a great Holiday Season!

Friday December 19th: Still volatile overall coming in to the open and Options Expiration today. Even so, was a little too agr off the pen. Long 2063 and stopped for -2. Bought 2061 for +1. A break of 2060.50 will look better for shorts. 7:39 2060.50 broken and short 2060.50 for +1 and +2a and+3 for our 2056 area target. Will hit shorts one more time at 2059.50 for +1 as buyers are relentless buying 2058. A quick move up on the ES but still shorts are in play. Short 2062.50 for +1 just a scalp. ES moved higher again just as quickly. Long 2065 for +1 and +2. Better buying should come in at 2063. At 8:21 long 2063 for +1 and +2. That’s good enough to end the week..  Total for the morning: +3

Thursday December 18th: Primary shorts triggered after the open at 2033.25. Took some heat but eventually hit +1 and will take it. Above 2034.50 longs are in play. Strong buying at 2036/2035.75. Long 2036.25 for +1, +2, and more looking for 2040 and target hit. Will try longs one more time off of 2036. Market is weak and sellers will not give up at 2037. BE on the trade. A break of 2036 triggers shorts. Short 2035 for +1 and +2. Will hit it higher one more time at 2036. Short 2035.75 for +1, +2, and much more for out best 2030.75 target.  Total for the morning: +3

Wednesday December 17th: FOMC today but still have good volume, 400K coming in to the open and a 15 or so point range. Shorts are in play at the open and almost exactly like yesterday. Short 1972.50 for a 197050 test for +1 and +2. Above 1972 it’s back to buying, Long 1972.75 for +1, +2 and our 1977 target (just like yesterday). Might as well look for 81, 84 while we are at it. Long 1978 at 7:54 for a test of our 1981 again. Below 1977.50 shorts are triggered. Short 1977.50 for +1, +2 and our 1973 target. Total for the morning: +4

Tuesday December 16th: Caution will be needed today as coming in to the open we already have 650K contracts traded and a 33 pt range on the overnight. We are off the lows but still negative coming in to the open with shorts in play. We should wee 1970.50 and 1067.75 area tested off the open. Shorted 1972.50 just before the open and as expected ES traded right down to 1970.50 then hit 1968.50 for +1 and +2. Above 1973 longs are triggered. We can buy off of 1973 area and/or wait for 1972’s to be tested. Long 1973.50 for +1 and +2 and 1976 tested. Will hit it again lower, 1972.25 for +1, +2 and our 1977 target. Above we still have 1981, 1984, 1986.50. Will hit 1976.50 long one time for +1 and +2 and our 81 test. Secondary longs on a move move 1979 area were stopped for -2. We knew that was a bit more risky with ES not making new highs. We will hold on the sidelines and see if buyers will come in as expected. We got a 9 pt candle and a break of 81 all at once. Long 1981 for +1 and +2 and more with our 1986.50 target hit. Total for the morning: +3

Monday December 15th: Longs are triggered just before the open on a move above 2006.25. Long at the open 2007 for +1, +2 and our upside target of 2012. As strong as the ES is we can hit it again. 2 levels of support, 2009 and 2007.50. Long 2009 and a very quick test of 2012 for +1 and +2. At 7:48 long 1007.50 and the ES went straight up to tag 2012. That’s high enough. A break of 2006.75 triggers shorts. Short 2007.75 right at news but it’s the Housing Market Index and OK to hold during the report. Next downside target = 2006.25 then 2002.25 both quickly hit after the news for +1, +2 and more. . Total for the morning: +4

Friday December 12th: Shorts off the open at 2013.50 looking for 2012 test. +1. Above 2014 longs are triggered. Had to wait but had good indications of support at 2019. Long 2019 for +1, +2. Will hit it again on a close above 2020.75. at 8:00 long 2022 for +1 and +2 and our 2025 target. Will try longs one more time but secondary and a little more risky after hitting 2025. Long 2022 and stopped for -2. A break of 2019 triggers shorts. Short 2017 and 2018 both good levels. +1 and +2 on both with a 2015.50 test. Had to wait a while again but at 8:42 2017 broken = our downside target of 2010 and possibly 2005.75. Short 2016.50 for +1, +2 and more with both targets hit. Total for the morning: +4

Thursday December 11th: Hit secondary shorts on the open. Short 2034.75 and instantly taken out for -2. Now we have to wait as above 2036 longs are triggered but buyers have been buying everything in sight. Upside targets are 2039, 2041.25, 2046, and 2048.75 all hit with no chance to get in. We will wait for a test of 2045 area for longs. At 8:03 long 2046.50 and a nice +1 and +2. ES tested a little lower for better longs and long 2045.75 for +1, +2 and more for a break of 2048 area. Long 2048.50 for +1 and +2. and our2053.50 target. Next upside = 2055.75. Long 2052 for +1. Will hit it again  off of 2051 if we get there. At 9:00 long 2051 for +1 and +2 and our 2055.75 target hit missed by a tick. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday December 10th: Long off of 2052 this morning right at the open for +1 with strong resistance at 2054 area. Below 2052 shorts are triggered. Short 2052.25 and stopped out. -2. Still no longs. If we break 2051 again will short. 7:45 2051 broken and short 2050.25 for +1, +2 and our 2047.75 target hit and broken. Will short 2047.75 again for +1. And one more time higher short 2048.25 for +1, +2 and our 2045. target. Total for the day: +2

Tuesday December 9th: Shorts in play at the open. We have 2 prices, agr = 2039, better is up against 2041. Short 2039 and 2040.75. +1 and +2 and more on the 2040.75’s and our 2036.75 target hit. +1 on the 2039’s and probably was a bit too agr. A move back above 2039 triggers longs. But really need a break of 2041. 2041 broken at 7:51 and long 2041 for +1 and +1. One last attempt on longs but recommend scalping. Long 2042.50 for +.75. ES began subtly breaking down again but we have to be patient. A break of 2041.50 starts things lower but we need a bit more time below 2042. At 8:27 short 2040.25 for our 2063.75 again and 2034 targets for +1, +2 and more. Total for the day: +3.75

Monday December 8th: We started buying slightly premarket, about 3 minutes till the open as the trade was right there. Long 2069.75 for +1 and our 2071 target. ES pulled back deeper and we had longs again off of 2068.50 but most traders did not get that. However, we did had a break of 2071 = 2073.25 and 2076 upside targets. 2071 broke about 9 minutes after the open and long 2072.50 at 7:45 for +1 and +2 Total for the day: +2

Friday December 5th: Longs off of 2072.00 at the open. Long 2072.25 for +1 and +2. ES is still range bound 2072 to 2075 with 2075 strong resistance for that last day or so. A break of 71.25 triggers shorts. We came close but 71.25 was not broken. Tried shorts anyway. Short 73.75, and will add up to 75. Not our typical trade but given the range makes sense. Short 74.50 and 75. +1 and +2 on the 74’s and 75’s and BE on the 73.75. When 71.25 was not officially broken that changed the dynamics of the shorts. Back above 2074 = longs again. Long 2074.25 at 8:18 for +1 and +2. Back below 74 = shorts again and short 2073.75. Es went right back above 74 again and out for -.5 and back to longs. Long 2074.25 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3.5

Thursday December 4th: Longs are in play coming in to the open with support at 2069/68. Long both for +1 and +2 and our 72 target hit. Below 2070 shorts back in the drivers seat. at 8:00 short 2069.25 with best resistance at 2070. This is going to take a while as buyers keep hitting 68.50 area but as long as we are below 2070 shorts are in control. Will scalp in the move to 2068 for +1. Traders can go flat or hold to see if 2069 and eventually 2068 break. at 8:21 69 is broken for addition 69 shorts. After the 69 break it did not take long to break the 68 which = 2066.75, 2064.50 and 2063.25 for good downside targets all easily hit for +1 and +2 and more on the additional shorts from a break of 2069. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday December 3rd: Interesting morning coming in with around 100K contracts done at the open and a fairly small range. 2066.50  has been strong resistance or most of the overnight but a break of that = 2068, 2070, and 2072. 2066.50 broken right at the open. Long 2066.50 for +1, +2, and more with our 2070 target easily hit. We have news coming out and a move to 2069 somewhat agr, and 2068 conservative for additional longs. Long 2068 for +1, +2 and our 2072 finally hit. Total for the day: +2

Tuesday December 2nd: Agr shorts on a break of 2053 near the open. Will still short up against 54/55 area. Short 53, short 54.50. +1 on the 54.50 and -.75 on the 53’s. A break of 2055.25 = 2058, 2059.50, and 2061 with 2064 best AM upside target. Long 2055.57 for +1. A test of 55 = hit it again. Long 2055 for +1 and +2. One last chance for longs one more time off of 2055 for +1, +2 and finally our 61 target hit. Total for the day: +4.25

Monday December 1st: Longs in play at the open above 2058. Long 2058.50 looking for 2060.00/2060.50 test. 2060 target hit for +1. Below 2058 = shorts for 2056.50, 2054.25, and 2052 area tests. 2058 broken at 7:39, Short 2058 for +1 and +2 and more with news coming out but still looking for lower with 2050.75 good enough for the downside this morning. Total for the day: +2


2014 November Total: 41.75

No trading the week of November 24th – 28th. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday!

Friday November 21st: Longs off the open with 2 potential buys. 2070 and 2069. Will hit both long if possible. Long 2070 and long 2069. Strong selling hitting but we should still bounce to 2070 and higher. Will take +1 on the 2069 and BE on the 2070 as was stated before the open. We are at contract highs and not sure exactly how the market will respond to historically high prices but also consider it’s Friday before a long weekend and a Holiday coming next week. With the move up from China cutting rates, profit taking should hit and all traders who are long will be selling to lighten their positions if not exit outright before the weekend and it seems they have started that program early today. A break of 2069 triggers shorts but caution with 2068 right below. We waited a bit to see if sellers below 2070 would hold their ground and they did. Short 2069.50 at 8:00 looking for 2066, then 2062.50. Exited in front of 2066 as buyers came in. +1 and +2 on our shorts. A break of 2066 = lower for our 2062.50 target. 8:51 66 broken and short 2065.75 for +1 and +2 and a bounce at our target of 2062.50. That’s enough to start the weekend. Total for the day: +3

Thursday November 20th: Shorts were still in play coming in to the open with 2037/2038 Resistance. Short 2037.75. ES popped to 2038.50 very quickly. Back above 2037 the buyers will try to hold their positions bidding 2037.25. ES tagged 2037.00 and 25’s and exited for +.5 as just too much buying but not totally unexpected as we pointed out before the open 2037 would be important. A break of 2038.25 triggers longs. Long 2038.50 and 2038.75 for +1 and +2 and our 2040.75 target tagging 2041. A break of 2040.25 = higher, 2043.75 and 2045.25. Long 2040.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2.5

Wednesday November 19th: Again range bound coming in to the open with support in the 2045/46 area. Will hit longs off of 2046 but said before we opened inside of 2045/46 and 2048 we will scalp. Long 2046.25 for +.5 as sellers are seriously coming in off the open from our 2048 resistance. A break of 2045 = 2042.50 and 2040.75. It did not take long to break 2046 and pressure 2045. Short 2045.25 for +1 and +2 and our 2042.50 target hit. Will hit 2045 again, agr = 2043.75/2044 but will will more than likely take heat so go small and scale in at 2045. Short 2043.75 and 2045.25. +1, +2 and more on 2045.25 and will take the graceful exit on the agr 2043.75 shorts at BE. A break of 2042.50 = 2039/2038.75 selling up against 2042.50 did not take it as had to break after taking profits on last trade. Came back to short 2040 immediately after breaking 2040 for +1 and our 2038.75 target.  Total for the day: +3.75

Tuesday November 18th: Easy day at the office with a trending market. A break of 2040 off the open = 2043.75, 2045.75 and 2047.75 all hit within about 30 minutes. Long right after the open 2040 for +1, +2 and more. Secondary longs off of 2044.25 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Monday November 17th: No news today after the open, still range bound market. Good support 2033 area with res 2034, 35, 36, etc. take your pick. Shortly after the open 2034 was broken a good indication our 2025.25 and 2037.75 would be hit. Long 2034.25 for +1 and 2036 hit. Have to wait a bit but eventually at 7:57 one more chance to buy 2034.25 for our 2037.75 target for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Friday November 14th: Range bound market coming in to the open with strong sup at 2033/34 and strong res at 2037/38 area. A break of 2036.25 = 2037.75, target. Shortly after the open 2036.25 broken and long 2036.25 for +1 and 2037.50 hit. ES sold off but no official shorts in play. If we move back above 2036.25 again = more long. 7:57 ES moved back above 2036.25 and long 1036.25 again for +1 and +2 and our next target of 2039.75 hit.  Total for the day: +2

Thursday November 13th: We said coming in to the open longs were already in play but a break of 2038.25 would trigger additional longs off the open for 2039.75 and 2042 area targets. Long 2038.50 for +1 and +2 eventually with 2041.75 hit but not quite high enough as 2042 even 2042.50 should be hit. After the JOLTS report we said if ES can break above 2040 again we will buy 2040.25/50 for the 2042.50 target. At 8:18 40 is broken and long 2040.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday November 12th: Scheduling conflict today and will be late to the office by 30 to 45 minutes. Got to the office around 8:15 just in time to see ES testing 2034. Members had already taken some longs off of 2029 and 2030. This is last chance for buyers. Long 2034 for +1. Below 2032.25 shorts are triggered and short 2031.50 for +1 and +2 and our 2029 area target. Total for the day: +2

Tuesday November 11th: Low volume and holiday so not sure what to expect. We will most likely scalp a few trades and call it a day. Shorts are in -play coming in to the open with resistance at 2036. Short 2035.25 for +1 and +2. Targets 33 and 31. A bounce from 31 says we can sell 33 one time. Short 33 at 7:48 for +1. We will wait and see if the ES can get back above 2034 area. Took a while but at 8:09 ES broke 2034 and long 2034. Did not like the way it looked and end up scalping for one lot traders. +.75.  Total for the day: +2.75

Monday November 10th: Not expecting much today with Veterans Day tomorrow and no news today. At the open good support at 2028.25 and long 2028.50 for +1 and our 2029.75 target and strong resistance. A break of 2027.50 triggers shorts and short 2028.25 at 7:45 for +1 and +2. Back above 2028.25 longs are starting to trigger but we do not have total confirmation. Will hit 2028.25 long. Still strong selling at 2029 a key area. +.25 for the long. ES broke lower but will hold off on shorts at 2027 sees lots of buying. 8:33 back above 2028.25 again and long 2028.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3.25

Friday November 7th: ES broke 2027.50 right before the open and will short 2027.50 at the open if we see some good selling. Sellers came in right at the open was expected and short 2026.25 for +1 and +2. Breaking 2024 = 2022/21 area. Short 2024.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Thursday November 6th: Coming in to the open with shorts in play and good resistance at 2020.50 and short on the bounce fro 2016 an important support level. +1 and +2. Lots of buying in 2016 area so really have to wait for additional shorts and a break of 2016 will do that for us. 7:57 2016 broken and short 2017 for +1 and +2. Buyers still coming in every move lower. A break of 2015 = lower to 2010 area. Short 2014 and scaled for +.5 still lots of buying. One last short at 2015.50 for +1 still lots of buying. A move above 2016.25 triggers longs but we did not have an opportunity to buy in the 2016 area so have to wait. If we break 2018.50 we can lean on 2018 for our 2021 target. 8:57 long 2018.50 fr +1 and +2.  Total for the day: +4.25

Wednesday November 5th: Opening up at contracts highs and strong YM we have to give the upside the benefit of the doubt but are aware big sellers have it the ES above 2019 each time it got there. Long 2018.75 slightly agr and 2018 more conservative. Selling is coming in strong. +2 ticks on the  2018 and -2 ticks on the 2018.75 for a BE trade. Below 2016.75 shorts are triggered and will sell against 2017. Short 2016 for +1 and +2. A break of 2013.50 = 2010 and 2008 targets. Short 2014 for +1 and +2. Should see a move to test 2015 area. Above 2015 will buy 2014/2013.76. At 8:18 ES broke 2015 but not by much. Long 2013.75. Like the open still lots of selling. Out with +.25, one tick. A break of 2012 will put us in shorts again and it did not take long. 8:33 short 2012 for +1 and +2.  Total for the day: +3.25

Tuesday November 4th: Expected somewhat range bound choppy market this morning coming in to the open with major resistance at 2010 and support at 2006. Longs 2007.25 for +1 and +2 and our 2009 target hit. Market pulled back to 2006 support and as expected buyers came in. Back above 2008 we will try longs again. At 7:54 2008 broken long 2008 and +1. News is coming out so we need to wait. Report was good and 2008 broken. Long 2008.75  for +1 with +2 tagged but not filled. A break of 2007.75 triggers shorts but have to be careful with 2006 still holding. Short 2007.25 and ended up taking 3 ticks for +.75 just did not like it. 2006 eventually broke and short 2003.75 for +1 and our 2002 target tested.  Total for the day: +3.75

Monday November 3rd: Looking for a pullback to 2012/2012.50 area. Long 2012.75 for +1 and +2. ES struggling to move higher with YM breaking down. Below 2012.50 shorts are triggered and we did not have to wait long. Short 2012.50 for +1. Buyers standing their ground at 2011 so we will not see 2010/2009.75 next downside target along with 2007.25. Back above 2013 it’s longs again but have 2 reports and we will wait. Numbers are good and ES broke 2015, can buy 2014/2013 but caution as YM is below key resistance. Scalped the 201.4 longs +.25. Will hit it one more time at 2012 for +1 and our 13.25 area test. That’s enough for today.  Total for the day: +3.25


2014 October Total: 72.50

Friday October 31st: We opened up at contract highs and the ES looked strong. Long 2010.25 and stopped out pretty quickly for -2. Back below 2008 shorts are in play. would like to hit 2009.50 area but we did not bounce that much so wait. 2007 broken and downside target of 2002.25 should be hit. Short 2006.50 for +1 and +2. Sellers are not backing down, short 2007 for +1 and +2 and our 2002.25 target is hit. Above 2006.75 longs are triggered. Long 2008.25, a little high but buyers are now coming in strong. +2 on the 2008.25. Will hit it one more time 2007.50 for +1 and +2.  Total for the day: +2

Thursday October 30th: Same story different day, longs off the open again. Long 1970.25 for +1 and +2 and easily hit our 1975 target. One more push higher should get our 1978 target. Long 1975 for +1 and +2. We are way ahead for the month no need to keep trading today. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday October 29th: Have been out of town for a week but trading and running the room from a hotel none the less. Certainly been interesting but more importantly, it can be done. You don’t need tons of monitors or equipment to make a few points a day. Back at the home office today and back to business as usual including timely updates.

Longs off of 1979.25 this morning looking for 1981.50 and 1983. Both hit quickly for +1, +2 and a bit more. Big resistance at 84, 85, 86 area from August through October so we have to be careful. 1983.50 and 1982.75 is support for one last try on longs. Long 1983.50 AND 1982.50. As ES moved back to 1983.25 very little buying. Will exit everything at 1983. +.5 on the 2.50’s and -.5 0n the 3.50’s. BE overall. Though shorts are triggered we really need 1980 to break to convince us. 8:27 80 is broken. Got a little agr on shorts but said will add up to 81. Short 1979, 1980, and 1981 with 1981 the conservative entry. ES ran up to 82.25 which was sort of surprising but tolerable. +1 and +2 on the 81. +1 on the 80’s and BE on the 79’s. That’s more than enough for the day. Total for the day: +3 all said and done.

Tuesday October 28th: Slightly advanced longs off the open off of 1963. Advanced as we do not have total confirmation but looking or 1966 target. +1 and +2 with our 1963 longs. Can try 1964 one more time. YM breaking down quickly, ES will NOT got higher. Exit BE. A break of 1962.50 will trigger shorts and YM weak. Short 1963.50 and will scalp as ES is still seeing strong buying. +.75. Back above 1964 longs are triggered but we have multiple reports out so will wait. ES broke below 1964. Short 1963.50 again for +1. Still strong buying at 62.50 ES in spite of YM weakness. We will wait until something clear comes along. at 9:03 1966 broken. Long 1966 for +1 and +2 and our 1968.50 target. That’s enough for today. Total for the day: +3.75

Monday October 27th: Long 1950 off the open for our 1952 target for +1 and +2 with a high of 1952.75. We are range bound so will wait for a break above 1952 or below 1950. 50 broken first and short 1949.50 for +1 and +2 and our 1946.50 downside target. 1945 area strong support so will hold off any additional shorts. Back above 1948’s it’s longs again. Long 1950.75 for +1 and long 1949.75 for +1 and +2 and more. With the volatility we can hit different levels expecting a reaction from more than one place  for additional profits. Total for the day: +4

Friday October 24th: Long 1944.25 right off the open with a quick move to multiple upside targets in one candle that is 9+ points. We’ll just call it +1 and +2. Volatility is still here. We have a few different options for additional buying. 1949.50, 1946.50/1945 area. Long 1949.50 for +1.  Long 1946.50 and 1945. BE on the 46.50 and +1 on the 45’s. News is coming out so we will wait. A break of 1943 triggers shorts. Short 1943.75 and stopped out -2. Will hit is 1946 area and managed to get +1. Will hit 1947 one more time for +1 and +2. Back above 1947.50 longs are triggered. Long 1947 for +1 and +2 and our 1949.50 target easily hit. Total for the day: +4

Thursday October 23rd: Long again at the open off of 1940 for +1 and +2. A break of 1939.50 will get us short. Short 1939.50 and scalped for +.75 as YM is very strong. Back above 1940.50 = longs again but will have to wait. Agr long 1945.50 for +1 and will hit it lower. Long 1944.25 for +1 and eventually our 1948.75 and 1952 targets. Total for the day: +3.75

Wednesday October 22nd: Longs off of 1937 at the open. Long 1937.25 and scalped for +.5 as YM breaking quickly. A move below 1937.25 triggers shorts. Had to wait a bit and sold 1935.50 for +1 and +2. Will try hitting 1937 area a bit higher. Short 1936.75 for +1 looking for a 1935.50 test. Total for the day: +2.5

Tuesday October 21st: Long off of 1910 support at the open. Long 1910 for +1 and +2 and multiple traders can hold for higher targets 1916 to 1918 but no new additional long entries. A break of 1918 will trigger additional longs. At 8:27 1918 broken, long 1918.75 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Monday October 20th: Shorts triggered premarket and looking to sell 1876 to 1878 res. Short 1875.75 for +1. Short 1977 for +1. ES is not going lower buyers coming in strong off of 1875 area. Back above 1879.50 will put longs in play. 7:42 79.50 broken. 2 buy scenarios. 1881’s and 1879’s. Long 1981 for  quick point +1 and long 1879 fr +1 and +2. Total for the day: +4

Friday October 17th: *** Taking a look at the market today, much lower volume coming in to the open, much more reasonable size candles = worth a shot for taking some trades but will still proceed with caution.

Above 1875.25 longs are triggered at the open. 2 entries. 1877  area and 1875.50. Long 1877.25 for +1 and ES can’t seem to get any traction. Will try one last time at 1875.50 better sup and more conservative. Long 1875.75 for +1 with sellers still coming in hard. OK we wait to see if 1872 is broken. 7:39 72 broken. Will sell 1873 against 1873.50 for +1 and +2. YM not cooperating and our downside target missed by 2 ticks. That’s low enough. Back above 1875.25 AGAIN = longs off of 1875. Long 1875 for +1, +2, and our upside target of 1881. area hit. Total for the day: +3

Thursday October 16th: No trading today. We will focus on market analysis and training. Market is too volatile for most traders and sitting on the sidelines is best for all as evidenced by the 20 point 3M candle that seemed to come out nowhere this morning after James Bullard started talking. The risk is not worth the reward if you can even quantify it.

Wednesday October 15th: ***Our premarket discussion continued regarding volatility. This will become a more challenging market to trade more than likely for the rest of the week with large range candles and quick moves through resting orders.

Shorts off of 1847, short 1846.75 for +1 and a test of sup right below. If 45 holds then we will sell against better resistance at 1849.50/1850 area. Short 1849.25 and right back down to our 1845 for +2 and more. Then a trip back up to 1949.50 again. Short 1849 this time looking for 45 to break with 1937.75 and 1833.25 and lower. +2 and much more as the volatility kicked in with a single 3M 12 point candle followed by another 10 point candle and bounce. Will short 1839.50 looking for +1 with the rejection but worth a shot. ES dropped a few points for an easy scalp. If we move back to 1849.50 will short it one last time as longs are not triggered yet. Short 1949.50 for +2. Back above 1950 we will lean on 1850’s for longs. Long 1850/1849 area. +2 and much more for our 1955 area initial target. This cannot get traded with a 2 point stop. Typical 2 to 3 tick noise around levels is not 2 to 3 points.  Total for the day: +5

Tuesday October 14th: ***We did our premarket analysis with the first topic the volatility increase in the ES. The size of the candles going from 1 to 2 points to 3 to 4, 5, even 6 points. Tough to trade with a 2 pt stop under these conditions and most traders should sit aside, especially one lot traders as you don’t have any real options of scaling in for deeper pullbacks. 

Aggressive longs off of 1878’s taken right out for -2. As we said, have to watch this one carefully today. No shorts triggered. A big move above 1981 area says higher. Long 1882 for +2. Stops may come quickly but if the average 3M candle = 3 to 4 points, have to allow some bigger profits too! Tried longs again at 1880 and taken out again for -2 BUT shorts quickly triggered. Short 1977.50/1878 for +2 and more. A break of 1876 says lower. Short 1874.50 +2 and more. Now wait for the bounce to 1876 for shorts again. Short 1976 for +1 and +2 as lots of buying right below. Then we sat on the sidelines for a bit with stops made up and nicely in profits. A break of 76 to the upside = some higher targets for 1881 area and 1884 again. 8:39 76 is broken, and long 1875.50 for +1, +2, and more with our upside targets easily hit. Total for the day: +6

Monday October 13th: Shorts in play off the open. Short 1898.5 for +1 and +2 and a test of our 1896 target which was missed by a tick. Back above 1901.5 triggers longs. Long 1902.25 for +1 and +2 and our 1906 target hit. Below 1896 we will look for shorts and we did not have to wait long. 1896 broken. Short 1984 for +1 and +2. Will short 1896 for a scalp and +1. Best chance for shorts is 1898 and the ES moved to 1899 and came straight down for +1, +2 and more.  Total for the day: +5

Friday October 10th: Shorts in play off the open. Short 1921.50 looking for 1915 test. +1, +2, and more. Above 1923.75 longs are triggered. Long 1924.25 for +1, +2, and +3 and our target of 1928 area easily hit. Below 1924’s shorts are triggered but we have to wait for a good entry. At 8:18 Short 1914.50 for +1, +2, and more and our 1906 target hit. Total for the day: +3

Thursday October 9th: Shorts in play off the open. Short 1957 for a scalp to 1956. Low of the move 1956.75. Longs triggered above 1959.75. Long 1958 and stopped for -2 on a quick 5 pt move lower, very unusual ES action. 1960 strong resistance and big sellers coming in there. Short 1958 and short 1959 looking for a test of the low of the day. With 5 point candles will have to be a little more generous with our stops.  +1, +2 and more on the the shorts. A break of 1955.25 = much more downside to 1949.50 area. Short 1954.50 at 7:54 for +1 and +2 and more. Will short 54.50 again on the bounce for +1 and +2. Market still weak and our best short is still in the 1955.75 area. Short 1955 at 8:18 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday October 8th: Short off the open below 1929 looking for 1927 test for +1 and +2. Back above 1930 longs are triggered. We have to buy levels, 1931 and 1929.75. Buyers are strong in the 1931 area. Long 1931.25 for +1 and +2. A break of 1928 = more downside and our 1924 area target. Short 1927.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3

Tuesday October 7th: Short 1948.25 off the open for +1 and +2 and more. Will hit it one more time at 7:42. Short 1945 for +1 and +2. A move back above 1945 triggers longs again. Long 1945.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3

Monday October 6th: Long 1969 off the open looking for 1971 test. +1. Then it was sidelines for a bit while the market made up it’s mind. A break of 1967.25 will trigger shorts. 8:03 67.25 broken and short 1967.75 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Friday October 3rd: We tried longs off the open with 1950 area support and a nice 10+ point gap up on the day should give us some follow through. ES did bounce off of 1950 but YM broke. ES will not go higher. -2 on the longs. A weaker YM and ES breaking 1948.75 puts shorts in play again. Short 1948.75 and instantly taken out for -2 Ouch! We don’t see back to back full stops often BUT, just follow the rules and let it go. Above 1952 longs in play and will hold for bigger targets of 1955.50 and 1957.25 both hit for our longs off of 1952 for +4 on the longs. Will buy a pullback to 1954/1953.50. Long 1954 and will again hold for bigger target, 1957.25 again and 1959.25 in front of our 1960 strong resistance. +4 on the longs. That takes care of the losses. A break of 1956.50 puts shorts back on the table but a little early. Will short a break of 1955. Short 1954.75 for +1 and +2. Will end the morning with longs triggered above 1956.50. Long 1956.25 for +1. Rough on the open but that’s trading. Able to end the day with +3.

Thursday October 2nd: A break of 1937 after the open triggers longs but little chance to get in at 1937. Long 1939 for a test of the 1941 highs and +1. Not much to do so we will wait. 8:03 a break of 1938.75 puts shorts back in play. Short 1938.50 for +1 and +2 and waiting again as 1937 still holding. 8:15 1937 broken, short 1937 for +1. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday October 1st: A break of 1961 triggers shorts and downside targets of 1960 and 1958 area with lower targets if we break 1957 area. Short 1960.50 for +1, +2 and more. When the ES broke 1975 it dropped quickly to lower targets 1952.25. Will short 1953.75 on a bounce  for a 1949.25 area target and that may be low enough for right now. +1 and +2 and our 1949.25 target hit. Today for the day: +2


2014 September Total: 51.75

Tuesday September 30th: Tricky open with shorts in play but ES may pop to 1973.75/1974.75. Short 1972 looking for a quick lower probe and will scalp, +.5. Short higher at 1973.75 for +1. We need to break at least 1971 for lower targets and really break 1970. 71 broken and short 1970.50 for +1 and +2. 7:51 1967 broken, short 1966.25 and should see at least 1965/1963 targets. +1 as should see buying come in at 1963.25 area. Total for the day: + 2.5

Monday September 29th: Longs are triggered above 1958.25 but we will have to wait for total confirmation which took a little time. At 7:51 long 1958 for +1 and +2. We will hold off on additional longs until we break 1962. 1962 broken at 8:12 and long 1961.75 for +1 and +2. Total for the day +2

Friday September 26th: Longs were triggered just before the open on a move above 1960.25. Would like to see that for longs but 1861.50 is seeing buyers coming in heavily right before the open. Long 1961.50 for +1 and +2 and our 1965 target missed by a tick. Below 1960.75 shorts are triggered but it’s a little early and nearing news. Will short 1961 for +1 and 1959.50 tested. News out and a big candle to the upside after some sideways action. 1964 area is best for buying, but got in a little to early/high. Long 1965.50, stopped at -2. Now it’s sideways with much bigger candles and range bound 62 to 66 with buyers hitting everything below 1963. Longs 64 down to 62 too agr for most traders but nicely profitable. A move back above 1964 will trigger longs. At 9:00 we got that move. Long 1965.25 for +1 as 1966, top of range still holding. Back below 1973.75 it’s back to shorts and we need 62 to break for our 1960.25 target to get hit. Short 1953 for +1 and +2. A busy Friday for sure.  Total for the day +2

Thursday September 25th: Shorts already making headway into the open. A break of 1984.50 will trigger more downside and ES broke 1984.50 right off the open. Short 1984.75 for +1 and +2. They just kept selling even through our 1977 strong support. A break of 1977 gives us much more downside. Short 1976.25 for +1 and +2 and more.  Will hit one more bounce against 1971 for our 1966,25 target. Short 1971 +1, +2, and more. Total for the day +3

Wednesday September 24th: ABove 1976.25 at the open longs are triggered. Long 1977.75 for +.75. We knew coming in to the open 1977.50 area would be tough to get through, even 1978 to 1979 was sellers had been active there for several hours. Sellers in fact did come in and a break of 1975.25 triggers shorts. Will sell against 1975 area. Short 1974.75 and too 3 ticks as buyers came in a little stronger than expected and New Home Sales coming out in a few minutes. Will see if ES can break 1973 and short there. Took about 15 minutes but ES did in fact break 1973 and short 1972.75 looking for 1971.50 test which we got for +1. Buyers have been strong all morning and they are buying every move lower. Will stand aside. A trade above 1973.75 will get us long again. At 8:27 73.75 is broken. Long 1974 with 1976 and 1978.25 upside target. +1 and +2. Total for the day +3.5

Tuesday September 23rd: The ES took off from our 1977 area support off the open and just kept going with little chance to enter without chasing. We have 3 news reports at the top of the hour and will wait till then. After the news we looked to buy 1985 area for a 1987.50 test. Long 1985.25 for +1 and +2. About 15 minutes later ES broke key 1984.50 support. Short 1984.25 for +1. Other traders sold 1983.50 for our 1982/1981.50 area target for additional profits.  Total for the day +2.

Monday September 22nd: Longs were in play off the open and a break of 1998 = 2002.25. Long 1997.75 and buyers did come in at the 1997.50 area but could not hold it. stopped at -2. OK a break of 1996 = 1994.25 and 1992.50. 96 is broken and short 1995.25 for +1, Will hit it one more time higher, 1995.75/1996. Short 1995.75 for +1 and +2 but our 1992.50 target not hit. Back above 1996 triggers longs again. Long 1996.50 and though a picture perfect long, sellers came in again and took us out. -2. OK still choppy.  A break of 1994.25 should = 1992.50 then 1989.25, and 1987.50 as downside will be back in play. 1994.25 broken and short 1993.75 for +1 and +2. Will wait and see if 1990.25 breaks. At 8:42 1990.25 broken and short 1990.25 for +1 and +2 and our 1987.50 target easily hit. At 9:48 1987.50 broken and short 1986.50 looking for 1984.50 for +1 and +2 on our shorts. Single lot traders had to work back and forth today with a couple of full stops which we don’t see very often but it does happen  Total for the day +1 one lot basis.

Friday September 19th: Long off the open above 2010.50 looking for 1012 test which we got quickly for +1 as we expect sellers to com in above 2012. A break of 2010.25 triggers shorts and will short against 2010.75, short 2010.50 for +1 and our 2009 strong support tested and buyers kicked in as expected. If we break 2009 we will short however strong, strong support in the 2008/2009 area so will be cautious and scalp. 2009 broken, and short 2008.50 for +.5 and buyers came in as expected again. News also coming out so will wait. Shorts are still in play but above 2009 do not want to take any more shorts. ES breaks 2009 again will short again. It took a while but ES broke 2009 again. Short 2008.50 at 8:21 for +1 and +2.  Total for the day +3.5

Thursday September 18th: 1999 broken shortly after the open triggering shorts. Short 1998.75 and +1. 1998 area is strong support and buyers coming in quickly at 1997.25. Above 2000 we will buy 2000.50. 7:54 ES broke 2000 and long 200.50 looking for 2002.75 which was hit for +1 and +2. Small range day, lower volume, that’s good enough for the morning. Total for the day +2

Wednesday September 17th: The ES was range bound the entire overnight as FOMC is today. We said we need a break of 1993 to trigger 1995.50 target and longs BUT 1994 area may be a sticking point. Long 1993.50 for +1 and +2 and our 1995.50 target hit and a bit more and 1994 did hold the market for about 15 minutes. Then it was sideways for a bit. A break of 1993 to the downside says 1991.50 target perhaps even lower but with FOMC not expecting too much. Short 1993.25 for +1. Total for the day +2

Tuesday September 16th: Shorts were in play at the open with 1970.25 a good support. Will short 1972.25 for a 1970.25 area test. Short 1972.25 off the open for +1. A break of 1972.25 triggers longs but 1973.50 still strong resistance and will wait to see if that is broken. At 7:36 1973.50 broken. Long 1973.50 at 7:39 for +1 , +2, and +3 and our 1977 target hit. ES just kept running. A break of 1979 area = 1981.25. Long 1972.50 for +1 and +2 and our 1981.25 target hit. Total for the day +3

Monday September 15th: Longs in play off the open with 1976.50 support. Long 1976.50 and taken out rather quickly. -2. OK below 1974 shorts are triggered. Short 1974.25 for +1, +2, and +3 and our 1972.25 and 1970.50 targets easily hit. Now we will wait. A move back above 1974 will trigger longs. Long 1974.25 for +1 and +2 and our 1976.25 target. Market is somewhat range bound and not getting a lot of follow through. 74’s broken again and will sell 1973.75 for +1. Wait again. The move above 74 again did not trigger longs but around 9:21 ES got back below and short 1072.75 for +1 as YM is not on board this time. Total for the day +2

Friday September 12th: Shorts are working from 1989 coming in to the open. 1986.50 area is holding for support. A break of 1986.50 = 1984.25, 1983, and 1980.50. 1986.50 broken right after the open triggering shorts. Short 1986 for +1 and +2. A break of 1984.25 = more downside and we will lean on 1984. Short 1983.50 for +1 and +1 and out 1980.50 target easily hit. Total for the day +2

Thursday September 11th: Tried longs right after the open 1987.75 but no fill, not fast enough. We will wait. Above 1989.75 long should be good. Long 1990.25 a tad high. More conservative, 1989.75. Both filled and +1 and +2 on both. Will hold off at 1992.50 area may be good enough for now on the upside. Sellers came in around 7:54 and did not stop. a break of 1987 = a test of 1985. Short 1986.75 for +1 and 1985.25 will not break. ES took off upside above 1988 and 1989.75. Wanted longs 1990.25 again but will wait and see. ES moved above 1992.50 and we will lean on 1992.50 for longs. +1 and sellers at 1993.50 area will not quit. Total for the day +3

Wednesday September 10th: Longs above 1988 coming in to the open looking for 1989.75 test. Long 1988.50 for +1 and our 1989.75 target hit. A break of 1986 = 1983 target and 1981 if we break 1983. Short 1986.75 for +1 and flat before the news. Very much like yesterday holding support today 1983 so no more shorts. We break 83 or 1986 will trigger additional positions. At 8:36 83 broken and short 1982.75 for +1 and our 1981.00 target missed by 2 ticks with 1981.50 the low of the day. Now it’s wait again. Above 1986.25 we will be buyers. 9:15 broke 1986.25 and long 1986.25 with 1988/1989.75, 1992 targets all still valid. +1 and +2. Good enough for the morning.  Total for the day +3

Tuesday September 9th: Shorts are triggered on a break of 1996 off the open. Short 1995.25 for +1 and +2 and our 1993.50 target easily hit. A test of 1995.50 will hit it again. At 7:51 1995.5 hit and short and looking for 1991.25 and again easily hit. Now we wait. Shorts are still valid but hitting strong support. It took about an hour but a move back above 1992.50 just after 9:00 got us long 1993 for our 1995.50 target for +1 and +2. Total for the day +3

Monday September 8th: Longs above 2003 off the open with 2004.50, and 2006.75 area targets. Long 2003.50 for +1 and +2 and our 2006.75 target missed by 2 ticks with 6.25 the high of the morning. Below 2004 shorts are triggered for +1 and +2 and our 2002 target. A break of 2002 = 1999.50 test. Short 2001.75 for +1 and +2. Total for the day +3

Friday September 5th: ES opened with sellers in control and short 1995.75 at the open for +1 and our 1994 support tested. Above 1995.75 longs in play. Long 1999.75 and taken out quickly for -2 with sellers coming in big at 1997. Right back to shorts at 1992.50 for +1 and +2. ES bottomed and longs in play above 1993. Long 1994.50 for +1. Ended the morning with shorts off of 1992.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Thursday September 4th : Shorts in play at the open. Short 2003.50 and +1 to test the 2002 area target. Above 2003.50 longs are triggered. Long 2003.50 at 8:42 for +1 and +2 and our 2006 upside target hit. At 9:30 Short 2007.25 after a break of 2007.25 and sell right against the 2007 resistance. +1 Total for the day +3

Wednesday September 3rd: Very similar to yesterday, longs triggered but right in to resistance and YM weaker so scalp profits for a 2008.50 test. Long 2007.25 for +.5. A break of 2007 triggers shorts and we will sell against 2007 at 2006.75 and look to also scalp in front of  strong 2005.75 support and we have Factory Orders coming out. +75. We will wait to see if 2005 is broken and short 2004.50. 2005 broken and short 2004.50 for +1 and our 2001.25 not quite hit yet with a bounce above 2002.75. Total for the day +2

Tuesday September 2nd: Above 2003.25 we will take longs off the open looking for 2005 area test. Long 2003.50 and as ES is trying to push through 2004.25 YM is breaking down quickly. ES will not go higher. Scalped for +.5 and out. Below 2002.25 shorts are triggered and will sell against 2001.75. Short 2001.50 for +.75 ad 1999.50 strong support and news coming out. Can make a case for longs off of 2001 now that we are above but will wait for a break of 2001.75 which came at 8:42. Long 2002.25 and +1 for our 2003.25 target.  Total for the day +2.25


2014 August Total: 45.50

Friday August 29th: Shorts are in play right at the open selling against 1999.75. Short 1999.50 for +1 and +2 looking for 1996.25 short term. A break of 1996.25 = 1994.25 and 1992.50. Short 1996 for +1 and +2.  Total for the day +2

Thursday August 28th: A bit more volume and volatility today. We opened with shorts in play but range bound 1988 to 1991.50. Will sell 1990/1991 off the open to see if we get 1988 test. Short 1990 and we did in fact get a 1988 test but buyers were relentless and even with a much weaker YM the ES would not break below 1988. +1 and +2. Above 1991, our range, longs are triggered and we took 1992 for +1 as 1993 now becomes another big hurdle and expect sellers to come in. Back below 1991 shorts are triggered again. Short 1991 similar to the opening shorts but buyers came in quite strong. Out -1 on a move to 1992 and staying above. We will wait for 1992.25 to be broken and if it is, will buy for our 1994.50 and 1996 overall upside targets. At 8:45 92.25 is broken and long 1992.50. +1 and +2. Wait again. A probe below 1993 then back above triggers more upside and a 1996 target. Long 1993.50 for +1 and +2. A good day overall coming on to the holiday weekend.  Total for the day +3

Wednesday August 27th: Longs above 1998.25 are in play right at the open for a 1999.75 test for +1 and 2000 hit to the tick and sellers came in as expected. No more buying as too strong of resistance above. A break of 1998 will put shorts back on the table. At 8:18 98 was broken and short 1997.25 for our 1996 and 1994.75 targets. Total for the day +2

Tuesday August 26th: Long are triggered and support is 1997 looking for 1999.75 and 2001.75 target overall this morning. Long 1997.25 off the open and upside target of 1999.75 hit for +1 and +2. Now we have to wait and see how the market will react with both the 2000 level and news coming out. Sellers hit north of 2000 as expected. As long as 1997 holds longs are good but will wait for additional confirmation. 8:36 we got additional confirmation for longs and our 2001.75 target should be hit. Long 1999.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day +2

Monday August 25th: Shorts triggered after the open on a break of 1995.50 however, strong support is at 1993, still worth a shot. Short 1994.25. YM quickly moved higher and was testing the high of the day. ES will not go lower so time to scalp out. BE on the short. Back above 1996 longs are back in play and will buy 1996 for an overall 1997.50, 98.50, and best target 1999.50. +1 and +2. A move above 1997 warrants additional risk for higher targets. Long 1997.25 for +1. Though it took a long time, we did get our 1999.50 target with the high of the day is 1999.75. Total for the day +2

Friday August 22nd: Interesting day today and we knew it would be before the open given the movement on the overnight up, down, and all around.  Volatility is up. A minor break of 1988 this morning triggered longs. Was not quick enough to get 88’s but got 87’s even though YM was breaking. Long 1987 and when ES broke 87 and bounced, exited – .5 and reversed to short against 1987 at 1986.50 and 1986.75 for our 1984.25 target for +1 and +2. Then we had Yellen speaking right after a break back above 1986.75 at 8:00 triggering longs. Long very agr 1987 and conservative 1986 and will hold for upside targets as 1989.75 will be hit then 1991.25. All targets hit for +1 and +2 and more. YM broke hard after testing the highs and ES followed. A little early but below 1987.75 shorts are in play. Short 1987 and 1986.75 and will just scalp for a point. +1. Even with a probe down to our 1982.75 downside target buyers came right in as expected and the bulk of the day was spent in between 1986 and 1890. Total for the day +2.5

Thursday August 21st: Shorts are in play coming in to the open with 1984.25/1983.50 downside targets need to be tested. Will short against 1986 at 1985.50 for +1 and initial 1984.25 target hit. Above 1986.50 will take longs for 1987.75 and looking for 1989.75. +1 and +2 off of 1986.75 longs. A break back below 1986 puts sellers back in control but YM is still quite strong. Short 1984.75 for +1 and our 1983.50 target hit. Will short 1985.75 on a bounce. Too strong buying and out for -1. Above 1986 it’s longs again. Long 1987 for +1 and +2 and our 1989.75 target hit. Total for the day +3

Wednesday August 20th: A break of 1976 after the open will triggers longs. Upside targets, 1977.75, 1979.25, and 1980.50. All targets hit for +1 and +2 and more. FOMC minutes coming out later and don’t expect much out of the market. Some members took additional longs off of 77.25 area but not official. Total for the day: +1

Tuesday August 19th: Long 1972.25 for +.75. YM breaking and 73.50 is strong short term resistance. Will look to see if ES bounces off of 71.50 area and if we get back above 72.75 will buy again. At 7:51 ES got back above 1972.75 for additional longs. Long 1973 for +1 and +2. Total for the day +1.75

Monday August 18th: Long 1962 at the open and will scalp in to the 1964 area as the ES is not ready to break through. +75. We gave it a little time and bought 1962 again at 7:51 for +1, +2 and our 1966.50 target. Will take one more long, 1965 at 8:09 for +1 and +2 and our 1967.50.68.50 target hit. Total for the day +2.75

Friday August 15th: Longs in play at the open. Long 1958.25 for +1. 1959 is strong res. A break of 1957.50 has us short. Short 1957.50. Too much buying and closing in on news. BE. Above 1959 long 1958.75 for +1 and +2 and our 1961 target hit. News hit the wire. Ukraine and Russia in conflict and the market just dropped straight down. A break of 1954.50 has us short 1954 for +1, +2, and more. Will sell 1948.25/1949.25 on a bounce. Short 1949.25 for +1 and +2. A good time to start the weekend. Total for the day: +3

Thursday August 14th: Longs triggered right at the open on a break of 1945.50 looking for a test of 1947.75 which was hit to the tick. Long 1945.50 for +1 and +2. A break of 1945 triggers shorts. We are still somewhat range bound with 1944 support below. Short 1944.75. Buyers came in quietly and bid through 1945 so we are out with -.75 loss. Above 1947 it’s back to buy side, long 1946.75 for +1 and +2. Will wait now to see what the ES wants to do. Below 1947.50 shorts are triggered but we are right on top of key 1946 area support. Will see if the ES can break back above 1948’s for more longs. 9:12 ES broke above 1948 and long 1948.25 for +1. Will hold for our 1951 area target which was eventually hit for multiple contract traders. Total for the day : +2.25

Wednesday August 13th: The ES has started out range bound several days in a row and today was no different. Taking longs into resistance and shorts in to support warrant taking quick profits. A lot of traders say they don’t want to scalp but that is not trader dictated, it’s market dictated. Always let the market context dictate how you will manage your trades. A move above 1937.25 triggers longs. Long 1928.25 for +1 as we know 1939/1940 will be tough to get through and bring in sellers. a move below 1936.75 triggers shorts. Short 1936.50 at 7:54 for +1 and +2 and our 1934.25 target hit to the tick which will also bring in buyers so a good place to exit shorts. Stick to the rules, keep it simple. that’s the key to consistent profits. Total for the day : +2

Tuesday August 12th: Shorts right at the open 1930.50 for +1 and +2. Above 1931.50 and especially 1933 longs are in play. Long 1933.50 for +1 and our 1935 area test. Total for the day: +2

Monday August 11th: Short 1933 at 7:46 for +1 and a quick test of 1932. YM was very weak so worth a shot but ES wants to go higher. Above 1934.75 triggers longs. Long 1935.50 at 8:03 for +1 and +2.  Total for the day : +2

 Friday August 8th: Shorts in play off the open with 1907/1906 area test on the table. Short 1909.50 for +1 as strong buying coming in but 1907.75 was tested. A break of 1906 will trigger a 1904.25 test. Short 1906.50 for +1 and +2. Then we waited for the ES to make up it’s mind. A break of 1906 again will get us short for a 4.25 test again. Short 1906.25 at 8:33 for +1. Time to start the weekend.  Total for the day : +3

Thursday August 7th: No trading out of the office.

Wednesday August 6th: We came in to the open with the ES bottoming off of the 1904 area for a few hours. Shorts are on hold but longs are not triggered until we break 1907. If we break 1907 upside targets are 1909, 1911.75, 1917.25, and 1923. 07 is broken and long 1907.50 for +1, +2 and more with 1916 area tested. Will buy a test of 1911.75. Long 1911.75 for +1, +2, and more again. An easy easy with the market moving strongly to the upside. Total for the day: +2

Tuesday August 5th: ‘Range bound coming in to the open. A break of 1926.50 triggers longs and is broken shortly after the open. Long 1927 for +1 and our 1928.25 target hit. We need to stay above 1926.50 fr our 1930.50 next upside target to be hit. It appears news came out concerning a plane in the UK and potential bomb. The ES dropped straight down 6 points. A break of 1923.75 will trigger shorts no matter the reason. Short 1922.25 for +1. Will short 1923.75 if can bounce. Short 1923.75 at 8:00. A little heat but a test of 1920.5 was our target and good for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3

Monday August 4th: Shorts triggered on a break of 1923. Short 1923.50 7:36. Just did not like the strong buying and exited -.75. ES still went to our 1922.25 area target. We will wait as a break and above 1924.25 triggered longs off of 1923.50. Long 1923.50 at 8:00 for +1 ad +2 and our first upside target of 1925.50 hit. Break below 1922.5 will be back to shorts. Short 1922.50 at 8:18 fr +1 and +2. On the sidelines till 1921 is broken. 8:36 breaks 1921 and short 1920.50 looking for 1919.50 and 1916.26 both easily hit for +1, +2, and more.  Total for the day : +2.25

Friday August 1st: Shorts at the open. short 1921.25 for +1 and +2. Above 1924.25 triggers longs. Long 1924.50 for +1 and +2. A break of 1926.50 gets us short. Short 1924.75, too low, -2. Will hit 1927.50 short for +1 and +2. A break of 1925 puts shorts back in play. Short 1924.50 at 8:27. Total for the day: +2


2014 July Total: 50.50

Thursday July 31st: With a 15 point gap lower expect sellers to hit this market hard at the open. A break of 1950.50 triggers shorts. Short 1949.75, a little low and took quite a bit of heat but shorts are the way to go. Looking for a test of the low which we got to 1947.50 for +1 and +2. Then we wait. A break of 1948.75 again should = 1945.50 and 1943 area. 8.75 broken and short 1947.75 for +1 and +2. And buyers again rushed right in so sidelines. A break of 1946 which we got at 8:27 = our 1943 target. Short 1945.50 for +1 and +2. That was good enough to end the month.  Total for the day : +3

Wednesday July 30th: Longs triggered on a move above 1972 area. Looking for 1974 area test. Long 1972 for +1. Sellers came in lower each chance they got and pushed the market below key 74/73 areas. Shorts are not triggered till a break of 1970.50 which was broken a while later. Short 1970.25 for a 1967.50 target for +1, +2, and more. A break of 1967.50 = 1963/64 area and expect a bounce from there. Will short 1966.25 and took +1. Better shorts 1967.50. Short 1967.25 for +1, +2 and more and next downside target of 1960.25. Total for the day : +3

Tuesday July 29th: Minor longs in play at the open off of 1975.50/76.00 for a 1977 test and scalp a few ticks. YM below 950 ES does not go higher. +.75. A break of 1974.75 triggered shorts. Short 1974.50. Lots of buying and ES is making it’s way back above 1975. Out for -.75. Will hit 76 short for a quick 2 tick scalp. Short 1976 and 1975.25 tested for +.5. Above 1977 longs are in play for a 1979.50 target. Long 1978 (agr) and long 1976.75/77. +1 on the 1978 and +1 and +2 on the 1976.75. If we break 1877.25 shorts will be triggered. It took some time but 1977.25 broken and short 1976 for +1 and +2 and more. A break of 1972 = more downside for a 1968 target. Short 1972 at 9:18 for our 1968 target and a few more points. Total for the day: +4

Monday July 28th: Shorts were triggered right before the open to short 1972.50 and look to stay below 1973. Downside targets 19710.5, 1969.75, 1967.75, 1965.25, 1963, and 1960.25 which was missed by a tick. +1, +2, and more. The market hit all downside targets in an hour so was way ahead of schedule, early on everything with a 13 or so pt range. Secondary shorts were in play off of 1966 but we have Pending Home Sales so we left it alone and held for lower. A move back for 1974 triggered longs. Long 1973.75/74.00 for +1, +2 and our 1967.75 upside target Total for the day: +2

Friday July 25th: Primary longs (the foundation of our trading) set up right at the open. Sell 1976.25 for a 1972.25 target and hit to the tick for +1 and +2 easily. We had longs triggered on a move above 1975.75 but will scalp given extreme YM weakness this morning. +.75. We had to wait a bit for additional trades this morning. While longs looked good we will not buy given the YM breaking down considerably. ES breaks 1975.25 we will shorts instantly looking for the low of the day. 1975.25 broken and YM broke  16900 for the first time today. Short 1974.50 for +1 and +2. Will look for a bounce to 1972.50 and short 1972.25 for a 1969.25 target which should be low enough for the morning. Short 1972.25 at 9:06 for a nice move to our downside target. Total for the day: +3.75

Thursday July 24th: Shorts were in play off the open. Short 1983.25 for +1 and our 1982.25 target hit. Now we wait till after the reports, new home sales which did not come out favorable and YM much weaker today than the ES. A break of 1982.25 will trigger more downside looking for 1980.25. The report took us right down to target. Will hit the 1982.25 one time. Short 1981.25. Just did not like all the buying and exited with +.5. A move above 1982.5 triggers long off of 1981.50 area. Long 1982 for +.5 again. Just overly cautious in this zone with YM weak, negative on the day and ES holding above the previous close.  Total for the day: +2

Wednesday July 23rd: Longs were triggered off the open on a break of 1979. Long 1979.75. Caution as YM is breaking hard. Will scalp for a 1980.50/1981 test. +1. Below 1979 shorts are triggered. Sell 1978.75 for a 1976.75 target, +1 and +2.  Total for the day: +2

Tuesday July 22nd: Closing in on contracts highs near the open the ES opened in a range bound scenario with a much weaker YM at the open. Still have to give the upside the benefit. We have 2 possible entries  75.50 area and 74.25. Took both. 75.50 is agr, 74.25 conservative. +1 on and 74.25 and BE on the agr entry with upside targets of 1978.75 and 1980.25 possible. 1978.25 hit. Anything above 1979.25 is good enough for overall exits from the 74.25 area longs. One more potential pullback to 77 is ok for one last attempt on longs. Long 77.50 for +1 and Es still can’t get through 1979. With new contact highs on the ES and YM still not making new contract highs not sure if ES will get very much further this morning. Total for the day: +2

Monday July 21st: A break below 1965 after the open triggered a downside test of 1963.50 a strong support. Short 1964.50 for +1. As long as we are below 1965 will hit 1964.50 one more time. Short 1964.50 for +1. A move above 1966.50 triggers longs but YM is not on board and scalps in to the 1967.75 are in order. Long 1967 for +.5. A break of 1965 triggers shorts again. Short 1964.25 for +1. It took a while but our extended targets of 1963.50 and 1960.50 were hit for additional profits. Total for the day: +2

Friday July 18th: Long 1957.75 at the open for a 1960 area target which was easily hit for +1 and +2. 2 reports coming out so we will wait. We have 2 entries for a move to 1963. 1959.50 which is agr or 1958 area. Small position on 1959.50 and will add on any pullback to 1958. Long 1959.50 and 1958. BE on the 1959.50 and +1 , +2, and more on the 1958 and our 1963 target hit. Total for the day: +2

Thursday July 17th: Long 1968 looking for 1969.75 and 1972.50 for +1 and +2. Will take secondary longs above 1971. Long 1971.25 for +1 and +2 and our upside target of 1974.50 hit. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday July 16th: 1976 good opening support, long 1976.50 for +1 and our 1977.75 target hit. a break of 1975.50 triggers shorts. Short 1975 for +1 and +2. That was good enough for out conservative 2 pt goal in less than 30 minutes.. Total for the day: +2

Tuesday July 15th: A move above 1973 will trigger longs and we got that right at the open. Long 1973.75 for +1 and +2 and our 1975 target hit and still looking for 1977.50 area but YM is not cooperating so ES will not trade to 1077’s. New came out and we moved back inside the 71 to 73.75 range. We will leave it alone in this area. A break of 1974 or 1971 will trigger additional trades. Not long after Business Inventories came out we also had fed Chairman Yellen talking which took the ES below our 1971 support. Short 1970.75 and looking for a test of 1968,50. A break of 68.50 = 1963 and 1960 downside targets. All targets hit for +1, +2, and more. Total for the day: +2

Monday July 14th: The overnight saw consistent buying in to the 1971 area, a key level. A break of 1971 = 1973.75 and possible 1975. 1971 broken right at the open. Long 1971 for +1. Sellers hitting the ES hard yet YM very strong. A break of 1970.25 triggers ES shorts by YM still very strong. Short 1971 and scalped for a tick as buyers came in strong. +.25. Above 1971.50 will trigger longs again. Long 1971 for +1 and an eventual +2 and our 1973.75 target hit. Total for the day: +2.25

Friday July 11th: No trading – out of the office.

Thursday July 10th: The ES dropped 20+ points on the overnight on concerns over Portugal. At the open the market had been bottoming at 1946 area one of our key downside targets. With the market weak and still some room to go, below 1947.50 1946 should be tested. Short 1947.50 for +1 and our 1946 test. A move above 1949.50 triggers longs. Long 1949.50 and looking for a 1950.75/1951 test. +1 and that was enough for longs. New came out and had little effect. Buyers were clearly active from the open. Conservatively waiting for 1951 to break would be best scenario for longs.  at 8:09 51 is broken. Long 1951 for +1, +2 and our 1953.75 target hit. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday July 9th: We opened today right at 1962 area support. Long right off the open 1962 looking for 1965.75. Target missed by 2 ticks. +1 and +2. A break of 1962 triggers shorts. Short 1961.25 looking for 1959.50 and 1957.75. 59.50 hit and 59.75 missed to 2 ticks. +1 and +2. That’s twice today our targets which are usually hit were missed by 2 ticks. Back above 1962 will trigger longs again. Long 1962.75 for +1 and +2. That’s good enough with FOMC minutes coming out later. Smaller range today but much better follow through than Monday under similar circumstances.  Total for the day: +3

Tuesday July 8th: Opened the day with some tech issues which took about 15 minutes to resolve just in time to see 1962.25 break and said next downside targets are 1958.75, 1957 and 1956 and expect to see some buying in the 1956 area. Short 1962 for +1, +2 and more with ES bouncing at 1959.75 right before small news event, the JOLTS report. A bounce toe 1962 says hit it again right after the news still looking for 1958.75, 57, and 56 area targets all hit. We closed the room to guests and did a quick member review with additional shorts taken for a test of the lows and even further target of 1953.75.  Total for the day: +2

Monday July 7th: Volume was low coming in to the open and no news after the open, expecting a somewhat range bound day. Longs triggered just before the open. Long 1973 about 30 seconds before the open looking for a push to 1975 target. YM broke hard but 72 still good ES support. YM broken even further and exit on a test of 1973 for 2 tick loss. A break of 72 says 1969.75 target should be hit. Short 1971.25, a bit low. Buyers came in stronger than expected at 71. Out with -.75. OK will hit it again at a better price 1972. After about 15 minutes of relentless buying exited with +.5. A move above 1973.50 triggers longs. We have 2 entries. 1974 and 1973. Will take longs at 1974 and scalp in to our 1975 target which was hit to the tick. +.75. Will try longs one more time at 1973. 1972.50 has to hold. 1972.50 broken, -.75 on the longs and instantly back to shorts 1972 for +1 and +2 and our 1969.75 target hit. Short again at 1970 for +1 and +1.25 looking for 1968.25 also hit. Lots of work with little to show for it today. Total for the day: +1.25

Friday 4th of July Holiday – NO Trading

Thursday July 3rd: The day before the 4th of July Holiday with a short day we will proceed cautiously. Long off the open if we bounce off of 1971.75 area. Long 1972 looking for 1975.75. Target not hit but +1 and +2 either way, 1975 is close enough. Will try 1973 one more time. Long 1973.50 for +1 and 1975 still holding. That’s enough to start the long weekend. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday July 2nd: In true ES fashion this week again we opened right at key support  at 1965.75 and in a tight range. We need the ES back above 1966.50 to trigger longs and we got that shortly after the open. Buy 1966.75 for +1 and our nearby 1968 target hit. 1968 is a wall of resistance for the ES BUT if we break 1968 1970 is next upside target. The market bounced around waiting for the news and after the Factory Orders back above 1967 triggers longs again. But we will scalp in to the 1968. Long 1967.25 for +.5. ES tested 1965.75 again. It’s strong enough to hit it one time and see if we get 1967 on a test. Long 1966 for +.75. Back above 1967 we can add. Long 1967.00 at 8:33 for best target of 1970. At 8:51 ES opened the door for the 1970 target but we had to be patient. Anything above 1969 is “good enough”. High of the day, 1970.00. Total for the day: +3.25

Tuesday July 1st: Once again, ES opened right at key 56.25 support and in a tight range. Buy at the open on a test and signs of buying off of 1956.25. Long 1957 at 7:32. Upside targets, 1960, 1961.75, and 1964. +1, +2 on initial longs. A break above 1958 triggers more upside and long 1958.50 looking for our 1960, 1961.75 and 1964. We had to be patient and wait for our higher 1961.75 and 1964 targets which were  eventually hit.  Total for the day: +2


2014 June Total: 50.00

Monday June 30th: ES opened in a tight range, 1951 to 1953.50. 1953.50 area tested before the open and a test of 1951 is good for longs. Long 1951 7:33 for +1 and +2 and more eventually but had to be patient and let the market do it’s job. With strong support below at 1951 as long as 1951 holds and 1953.50 breaks upside targets = 1955.75 and 1957.25. 1953.75 broken and will take longs again for the 1957 test. Long 1955.50 for +1 and 1956.75 is the high of the day just missing our target. Holiday week and back inside the range = that’s good enough for the day. Total for the day: +2

Friday June 27th: The ES was bottoming just before the open off of key 1943 area support with 1945 and 1947.75 upside targets. The plan was to get long at the open for those targets but the market went straight up right in to the open. A break of 1945 says we will get to our 1947.75 target. Long 1946 at 7:36. It’s a bit high but strong buying coming in. +1 and our target easily hit. The 1948.50 is some good resistance and we have Consumer Sentiment coming out 5 till the hour. We will look to buy again 1946.75 and see if we can get a pop on the report. Long 1947 and scalped for 3 ticks. YM is quite a bit weaker than the ES. A break of 1946.50 triggers short term shorts. 46.50 broken and short 1946.75 at 8:18. However we are right at key 1945.50 support. Scalped again as just too much buying. +.5. A move back above 1947 puts long back in play. Long 1947.50 at 8:33 with 1949.75 upside targets. +1 and with strong resistance that is good enough to start the weekend. Total for the day: +3.25

Thursday June 26th: Longs looked really good at the open buying off of 1949.50/1950.25 area. Long 1950.25 and stopped rather quickly which is unusual given how the market was poised for higher. -2. But a break of 1948.50 says 1945.50 and 1943.25 targets in play. Short 1947.75 quickly as the market wants to run in a hurry. +1, +2 and more with both downside targets hit but the market was not stopping. A break of 1940.25 area = 1937.25. Hit shorts on the run at 1939.25 for +1 and +2 and our target hit. We will look to sell 1940’s and 1943.25’s if we bounce there. At 8:00 short 1939.75 for +1. Will hit it a bit higher, Short 1940.75 for +1. Last chance for sellers = 1943.25. Short 1943 for +1 and +2. That gets us whole for the day and at our modest goal of 2 to 3 points.  Total for the day: +3

Wednesday June 25th: Shorts were in play coming in to the open but at key 1937 area support. Will take scalps shorts above 39.50 looking for a small pullback. Short 1939.75 for +.75 and buyers very strong. Above 1940 triggers longs with 1943 and 1945.5 targets. Long 1941 for +1 and +2 and more. Market went sideways for quite a while holding 1942 the previous close staying positive on the day. We need to break 42 or 46 to really get anything else done. While waiting ES created a lower level, 1945 to be broken to trigger longs. 8:48 45 broken and long 1945 for +1 and =2 and our 1947.75 target hit. Total for the day: +2

Tuesday June 24th: Clear support at 1950 off the open. Minimum target above is 1952.75, then 1955.75, and 1958. Long 1950.75 at 7:32 for +1 and +2 and 1952.75 target hit. 4 reports coming out so we have to wait. News as well received and a break of 1954 – 1955.75 and 1958 upside targets. Long 8:15 after the news. +1 and +2 and more with all upside targets hit.  Total for the day: +2

Monday June 23rd: A quiet easy day of trading. Shorts after the open on a break of 1953. short 1953.25 for +1 and +2. Wait for the housing report. a move above 1953 will trigger longs. ES broke 1953 before the news. Long 1954 after the report for out 1955 target.  Total for the day: +2

Friday June 20th: Quadruple witching and Friday = caution with this market at all time contract highs once again. Shorts triggered after the open with a 1952 target. Short 1953.50 at 7:42 for +.75. For some reason buyers just would not quit buying 1952.50 so our 52 target missed by a few ticks. With s strong YM and strong buying in the ES we tried some very early longs off of 1953.50. Long 1953.50 at 8:03 for +1. 1954.75 still not broken but will try longs again as YM still very strong. Long 1954.50. Strong selling at 1954.50 says time to get out. -.75 and right back to shorts 1953.50 for +1. Tried shorts again at 1953. -.5 as same buyers earlier are hitting 1952.50 over and over again. The morning ended with longs at 1954 for +1 and our 1955.50 target hit.  Good enough for a 3.5 point range on the day. Total for the day: +2.5

Thursday June 19th: We opened up at new contract highs on the ES today after the FOMC announcement and a nice rally. A tight range and lower volume once again with 1951 area resistance and 1948 area strong support. At the open buyers should come in at 1949.50 and that is exactly what we got. Need the YM to bounce hard from the drop off the open and we got that too. A move back above 1950 on the ES will triggers longs for a test of 1952+. Long 1950.50 at 7:39 for +1 and our target hit. Back below 1950.75 ES is weak and we will sell a bounce to 1951 area after the reports. Short 1950.50 at 8:03 for +1, and +2 and our 1948.50 target. Market became indecisive for some time. We had additional shorts on a break below 1948 but not included. 2 trades 2 winners was good enough. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday June 18th: FOMC today, small range on the overnight less than 3 points and low volume = caution and don’t be greedy. A break of 1935 = 1937/1937.25. ES broke 1935. Long 1935.50 at 7:45 for +1 and our target hit. A break below 1935 will trigger shorts. We scalped for +.5 and held some for our 1933 and 1931.25 target both hit. That was enough for FOMC day.   Total for the day: +1.5

Tuesday June 17th: ES opened at support similar to yesterday in the 1925 area with 1924.50 strong support. Long 1924.75 at 7:36 with 1928 first upside target, then 1929.75 and 1931, again similar to yesterday. Targets hit for +1, +2 and more. Above 1929 we have a good chance at trading 1932. Long 1929.50 at 8:00 for +1, and +2 and our 32 target hit and more.  Total for the day: +2

Monday June 16th: Longs were triggered right at the open. Long 7:33 at 1924.50 with 1926.50 1927.50, and 1928.75 upside targets. +1, +2, and more easily hit as our 1928.75 was hit. 1928.75 was broken  and we had news coming out. If we see no signs of selling we will buy 1929 right after the news. News out and no selling. Long 1929.25 at 8:03 for +1 and +2 and our 1931.75 target again easily hit. Shorts were triggered below 1932 but there is lots of support at 1930.50. We will wait for more conviction from sellers. At 9:06 sellers hit the ES hard but not opportunity to get in short we will wait. If we break below 1926.50 we will short for 1924.25 target. 1926.50 broken and a bounce off of 1925 gives us an opportunity to short 1926.25 at 9:27 for +1 and + and again our 1924.25 easily hit and then some.  Total for the day: +3

Friday June 13th: We are now trading September contact which is trading at a 7 point discount to June. Years ago the front month would trade at a 10+ point premium. Just worthy of noting but it will not affect our trading. We have 2 choices at the open looking for 1929 area target. Long 1925.75/50 or 1924.25 area. Took both. BE on the 1925.75/50’s and +1 on the 1924.25 as the 1926’s are just too strong of resistance right now. A break of 1924 will trigger shorts. 1924’s broken and and short 1923.25 and 1923.75 at 7:48. Was not sure we would get back to 1924’s with 1923.50 the prev close and YM well below it’s 16980 prev close. +1. +2 if traders held through consumer sentiment for 1922.25 and 1919.50 both hit and that is low enough. Back above 1924’s it’s longs again. This was quick and not many were filled at 1924.75 at 8:24 and nothing done at 1924.50. +1, +2, and more on the 1924.75’s. Patience will be rewarded and those who were not filled were able to buy 1927.50 at 8:24 for +1 and +2. 1929 is bigger resistance and high enough for the morning. Total for the day: +3

Thursday June 12th: The ES opened below 42 area resistance but right above 1940.50 support. Will wait for a break of 1940.50 those short for 1938.50 test. 40.50 broken and short 1939.75 at 7:39 for +1. News coming out and buyers still active at the next key 1938.50 support. Will have to wait some more. At 8:27 ES broke 1938 with YM on board. Short 1937.50 for +1 and +2 exiting one point in front of 1934.50 which was hit. Will wait again as that is low enough and a move back above 1936 will trigger longs. at 9:24 long 1937 for +1 and our 1938.50 target. Longs are just scalps in a overall downtrend.  Total for the day: +3

Wednesday June 11th: No Trading – Out of the office.

Tuesday June 10th: Tight range and low volume coming in to the open with 1948.50 big resistance and 1946 area still some good support. We should see some good selling hit on a test of 1947.50 to 1948.50 off the open. Short 1947.75 and had to hold a bit but our 1945.50 area target was hit. for +1 and +2. Was expecting 1944.75/50 to trade but buyers still coming in. Will wait for the reports. 1945.50 broken, Short 1945.50. Should test 1944.50 even if it does not go lower. Buyers are very strong. Scalped for +.5. Back above 1946.25 triggers longs again. Long 1947 and 1946.50. Either entry is fine as we are looking for a move above 1948’s overall then we shall see. +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2.5

Monday June 9th: The ES opened at key 1946 support. This is starting to sound like a broken record. Long are triggered on at break of 1948. Long 1948.50 for +1 and +2. We had to wait a bit for additional longs. at 8:36 long 1939.75 for +1 and +2. We had additional upside targets of 1952 and 1954 area which were eventually hit with the high of the day being 1954.75. Total for the day: +2

Friday June 6th: We opened at key 1941.50/1942 support with YM strong and a job report that attracted buyers. Long 1942.50 off the open for +1, +2, and +3 and our 1945.75 target hit. We are at all time contract highs once again and not sure how they will react up here. Next upside target is 1947.75 and still untouched but want to see more buying at these levels. At 8:27 buyers tipped their hand. Long 1946 at 8:36 for +1 and +2 and our 1947.75 target hit (1948.50 a little more optimistic is possible but more than likely will be hit later). Total for the day: +2

Thursday June 5th: Shorts triggered right at the open on a break of 1928.75. Short 1929.25 for +1 and +2. Seeing lots of buying so will hold on secondary shorts till a break of 1924 area. Just after 8:00 24 broken and will wait to see if we can see 1924.50 to 1925.25. Short 1924.50 and buyers jumped in strong as we moved above 1924. This is too strong for shorts. Scalped for a tick as they buyers held 1924/1924.25 in spite of the selling. A move above 1925.25 = longs off of 1925.50. Long 1925.75 for +.75 just don’t like the way it looked. Above 1927 longs look better. Long 1927 for +1 and +2 and our 1930.25 target hit and then some. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday June 4th: Primary trade long right at the open and 1918 support. Long 1918.25 for +1 and our 1919.75 target an important number now for several days. Sellers hit the 1919.75 as expected and the ES is just bouncing around. Similar to the other day, we break 17 or 19 and we will take a position if triggered. Just before 8:00 the ES broke 1919 but news is coming out. Will wait and see what if any reaction comes out. A non event and buyers clearing holding 1920.25 area. Long 1920.50 for +1. Will exit as 1922 is a big resistance area. Market pulled back to 1920.25 area again and buyers quietly are buying everything they can. Back above 1921 we will look to go long again. 8:39 ES back above 1921 and Long 1921.25 looking for 1923.75/1924 area target. +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3

Tuesday June 3rd: Longs triggered on a break of 1919. Long 1919 at 7:48 for +1 and +2. Last chance for longs after our 1921.25 target hit. Long 1920.50 at 8:24. Will scalp it for +.5 as market is struggling. 1920 breaks shorts are triggered. Short 1919 at 8:51 for +1 and our target of 17.50 missed by a tick. Will leave it alone till we break 1919.75 or 1918. 18 broken and short 1918 at 9:54. Too much buying. Exit BE. Above 1919 longs in play again. Long 1919.50 at 10:09 for +1 and +2 and our 1921.25 target hit again. Total for the day: +4

Monday June 2nd: ES opened with short term longs in play with 1924 resistance overhead and tested. Took secondary longs off the open 1923.75. YM broke hard. This was the wrong side. Exit BE. ES broke 1922 but not by much so we waited. News at the top of the hour with perfect shorts setting up at 1921, we will pass. Market broke lower through all support. We will see strong buying at 1914.50. Advanced longs 1914.75 for +1 and +2. Looking for 1917 for shorts and at least 1915.75 test. Short 1917 and +1 and our 1915.75 test. That’s low enough. Will wait for a break of 18.25. It took a  while but 1918.25 broken. Above 1919 we can lean on 1919/1920 for longs. Long 1920.25 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3.25


2014 May Total: 47.00

Friday May 30th: Very low volume coming in to the open with a small overnight range. Trying to get short near support or long near resistance is always a challenge. Break of 1915 or 1917 will trigger positions. 1915 broken and short 1915.25 for +.5. Our target was 1914.50. 1914.25 is the low of the day so good plan to scalp. We will see if 1917 breaks and it did. Long 1917 for +1 and +2 with 19.25 and 19.75 upside targets. Total for the day: +1.5

Thursday May 29th: Longs right at the open. Long 1911.75 for +1 and +1.5 looking for a test of the contract highs of 1914. YM too weak, ES will not trade 1914 and exit. A break of 1911 triggers shorts. Short 1910.25 at 8:12 for +1 and +2 and our 1907.25 target hit. A move back above 1910.50 puts longs in play again. Long 1910.75 for +1. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday May 28th: Interesting morning with the YM breaking hard again and a reluctant ES to go lower. With key support close together at 1908.50, 1907.50, 1906.50, and 1904.75, gauging buying selling strength was difficult. A break of 1908.50 triggers additional shorts already in play at the open. Short 1908.25. ES test 1907.50 repeatedly with constant buying. Scalped for +.5. ES bounced 4 points. The bounce warranted agr longs. Long 1910.25. It was early but worth a shot. Out with -1 on a  move below 1909.50. Back to shorts. Short 1908.25 looking for 1906 for +1 and +2. Then we waited as still lots of buying. A break of 1906.50 at 8:45 says shorts again. Short 1905.25 looking to scalp in to 1904.75 and possible 1903.25. Instant buying at the low. +.5 scalp again. That’s it for shorts will wait till longs are triggered on a move above 1908. 9:21 long 1908.50 for +1 and +2.  Total for the day: +2

Tuesday May 27th: ES was a bit choppy off the open with longs in play. Really need to see 1906 broken for additional longs. 1906 broken and long 1905.50 at 8:09. +1, +2. Total for the day: +1

Monday May 26th: Memorial Day Holiday – No Trading Markets Closed

Friday May 23rd: Longs triggered off of the open on a break of 1892. Long 1891.50 for +1, +2 and more. That’s enough to start the long weekend. Total for the day: +1

Thursday May 22nd: Tried shorts on the break after the open. Short 1884.50. Just too low and strong buying. -1.5. Will hit shorts again at 1885.75. Short almost instantly again 1885.75 for +1. Above 1886 = longs triggered. News is coming and buyers appear to be holding 1888. Long 1888.25. News stalled then a quick drop and exited as it broke 1887. -1.5. Will buy again 1887/1886. Long both. Will hold for minimum target of 1888.50. 1890.50 next target. +1 on both positions. +2 on the 1886’s. Above 1888 = add to longs or enter more conservatively. Long 1888. +1 and will hold for 1990.50 for +2. Target hit. Above 1889 will buy 1889.75 for next target of 1892.75 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday May 21st: Longs triggered off the open for for 1877.25 and 1880 area targets. Long 1874.75 for +1, +2, and more. 1880, 81, 82 area all valid resistance. Will have to see how sellers act up here. at 8:24 long 1880.5 after buyers were convincing enough to push on to 1884 area target. +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Tuesday May 20th: A break of 1879.50 triggers additional downside with targets of 77.25 and 75 to start, both important support areas. Short 1879.25 for +.75. Just did not like the buyers coming in in front of 1877.25 at 1878 and decided to exit. Both targets hit and 1876 broken says even lower 1872.50. Short 1876 for +.75. Again too much buying and ES bounced to 1878.25. We will wait on the sidelines. If we break 1875 again will short it again. at 8:24 75 broken again. Short 1875.25 and had to scalp again. +.75. Seeing the buyers at such important levels allows us to make good decisions on exit no matter how far it still may go. In this case the ES bounced above 1876 and triggered longs. We have 3 options. Agr, buying 1878.75. Somewhat better entry is 1877.75. And 1877.25. Tried all 3. Long 1877.75 partial position. Added at 1877.75. +1 on 1877.75 and BE on the 1878.75. Let the market bottom at 1877.25 area and back above 1878 added again  at 1878.50 for +1 and +2 and our 1879.75 target hit. Total for the day: +4.25

Monday May 19th: Shorts right at the open. Short 1870.50 for +.75 looking for a test of 1869.50. 1869.50 holds = higher possible 1875. Market was strong after breaking 1873.75 and tested 1875. Too high to buy in this scenario so we will wait. Above 1875, 1875.25 should be short term support. Long 1875.25 at 7:57 for +1 and our 1876.50 test. YM is much weaker so we will stand aside till 1877 breaks. 1877 broken at 8:18 and long 1877.25 for +1. Will hold as long at 1876 holds for our 1981/82 target. Both eventually hit taking +1 and +2 and more. Total for the day: +2.75

Friday May 16th: Shorts again right after the open on a break below 1868. Short 1866.75 a bit low but as long as we are below 1868 shorts are good for an 1864.25 test. +1, +2, +3. We will wait to see if 1864.25 is broken again. Once again 1864.25 is broken. Short 1863.75 and just too much buying off of 1862 important support. + 1/2 pt and flat. Will have to be patient while the ES bottoms out here. Back above 1865 longs will be triggered. Long 1866.25 for +.75 as 1868 is right above. Upside target of 1869.75 finally hit but flat and ready for the weekend. Total for the +2.25

Thursday May 15th: Shorts right after the open. Short 1880.50 for +1, +2 and more. We tested our key 1875 area target. A break of 1874 area = 1869.75 target. Short 1873.25 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday May 14th: Today was low volume and expected range bound between 1888 and 1892.50 and we stayed in that range for most of the day. Early on one primary short after the open. Short 1891.50 for +1 and +2. After that, either keep buying 1889 or selling 1892.50 until the expected breakdown later in the day as YM was deteriorating all morning. Most traders stood aside. Total for the day: +1

Tuesday May 13th: Market was in a tight range, 4+ points coming in to the open with 1893 strong support. A move above 1895 = an 1896.75 test. Long 1895.50 at 7:45 for +1. We have some reports coming out so will wait till after. Just did not like that way the ES was trading and with a weaker YM held off on any additional longs. Patience is usually rewarded. A break below 1895.50 = a test of the low of the day. Short 1895 at 9:30 for +1 as still right at strong support. A slow day and not much else to do. Total for the day: +2

Monday May 12th: During our premarket review we were looking for longs off of 1880.50/1881.00 for initial 1883.75 target at the open. The ES started moving away from our entry area before the open and then right to 83.75 which we expected to see some selling. Below 1883.75 longs seem a bit risky so we will hold off on additional 82 area longs. The market did move quickly and above 1884 to our next target of 1886.75 and a bit higher. We waited enough to see if buyers were serious up here and they were. Long 8:06 1887.50 for +1 and +2. That could be high enough for now but 1890.50 is next target and still possible. For the next hour there was little to do. At 9:21 Long 1888.25 for +1. The market is quietly grinding higher taking a lot of time to move even a point or so. That’s enough for today. Total for the day: +2

Friday May 9th: The ES broke lower right off the open but we waited for the 68 support to break. 68 broken and short 65.50 at 7:51 for +1. Better resistance 66.75. Short 66.50 at 7:54 for +1. That was enough to start the weekend. Total for the day: +2

Thursday May 8th: After a few minutes the ES went straight up after the open with little chance to get in besides chasing so we waited. Expected selling in the 75/77 area and did see some at 78. A move above 78 we will lean on 78 for longs. L1878 at 7:57 for +1 and +2. Gave it more time and bought 81.25 at 8:24 but scalped it for 3 ticks. In just a little too high. Looking for 79 to 78 area pullback for longs. 8:39 L1880.25 for +1 and an 1881.50 test. Still not low enough to entice bigger buyers. 8:48 L1878.50. Upside targets 1882.75 and 1884.75 both hit for +1, +2 and more.  Total for the day: +4

Wednesday May 7th: . The ES moved quickly to test the 1871 resistance off the open and sellers came right in as expected. Back below 1868.75 shorts are triggered. Short 1877.75 at 7:40 for +1 and our 1866 support tested with strong buying. Will hold off any additional shorts. 7:54 ES broke minor support but enough to trigger shorts again. S1866.50 for +1 and +2. Market bounced to 1867.75 and sellers came in again. Too quick to catch the move down to 1855 area. Below 1857.50 shorts are good for one last chance. S1857.50 for +1.  Total for the day: +3

Tuesday May 6th: Hit shorts right at the open S1874.25 for +1 and +2 and more with 1870.50 downside target. Waited a long time as 1870.50 strong support and no lack of buyers. A break of 1873 triggers longs but with caution as YM is much weaker. Long 1873.50 for +1 and 1875.25 resistance above. ES broke again to new lows. Short 9:03 at 1870.25. Still too many buyers and a bit low for shorts. +.5. Will hit 1871.75 if it gets there. 9:21 Short 1871.75 for +1. Total for the day: +3.5

Monday May 5th: Premarket we said a break of 1866 or 1864 would put us in a position. Downside targets 1862.50 and 1860.00. Market broke quickly off the open. At 7:42 short 1862.25 for +1 and 1860.50 hit. Close enough. Buyers came in strong and above 1866 = longs. At 8:09 long 1867 for +1 and +2 and more for our upside 1870.50 target. Tough to continue longs below 1873 area where the market stalled. Will see if 1873 breaks. 1873 broken and will look to buy off of 1873.50. Long 9:09 at 1874.25 for +1 Total for the day: +3

Friday May 2nd: Long 1880 at 7:45 for +1 and +2. Will hold off on any more longs. A move below 1880 triggers shorts. Short 1877 at 1854 for +1. Short 1878.50 at 9:03. That was enough to start the weekend. Total for the day: +2

Thursday May 1st: We broke support on the open but saw strong buying. At 7:33 Short 1876.50 for +.25. Just did not like it. A move above 1878 triggers longs. Best support in the 1877 area. Long 1877.25 at 7:54 and took +.5 as news coming out. Short right after the news 1876,50 for +1. Was looking for an 1874 test before the report, got it after.Short again 1876.50 and took +.5 again as it was stalling. Eventually it broke to our lower target of 1871.50. One last time for shorts 1875 at 8:27. -1. Above 1877 back to longs. Long 1878.50 at 9:00 for +1, +2, and +3 and our 1881.50 target. Total for the day: +2.75


2014 April Total: 53.00

Wednesday April 30th: Similar to yesterday a bit whipsaw at the open and Chicago PMI coming out at 7:45 so will wait till the report. A break back below 1869 triggers shorts. 7:59 Short 1868, way too low and YM still holding support. +.25.  Back above 1870 back to buy side. Best entry = 1871. Some traders filled others not. Long 1871.25 at 8:25 one tick in front of 1871 as lots of buying, +1. A break of 1872 puts shorts in play but right in to strong 1871 support. 9:26 Short 1871.50 for +.5. It’s FOMC and we will call it a day. Total for the day: +1.75

Tuesday April 29th: The ES opened just above key 1868 support and was a bit whipsaw for about 12 minutes. A strong YM and a strong move fro the ES above 1871 triggers longs. 7:44 Long 1871 expecting that to hold. Market quickly tested 1869.50 and bounce hard back above to test our 1872.75 target and eventually our 1874.50 target for +1 and +2 as we stalled right at 1873. Below 1871 triggers shorts. 8:20 short 1870 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Monday April 28th: We opened with longs in play off of 1864.50 with a target of 1866.50. At 7:27 long 1864.50 for +1 and +2. A break of 1864 triggers shorts. 7:49 Short 1861.00 for +1 and +2 and our target of 1858.00 missed by 2 ticks. Once again back above 1864 longs are back in play. Long 1864.50 at 8:06. A little early and took some heat. Buyers coming in at 1863 and back above 1864 with full confirmation. 8:11 additional longs1864.50 for +1, +2 and more on both positions. Total for the day: +2 (most traders did not take the premarket trade)

Friday April 25th: Shorts triggered once again premarket. 7:33 short 1866.75 for +1 and +2 and our 1862.50 target. After the report, below 1864 = shorts for  1861 target. 8:00 Short 1863.75 for +1 and +2  Total for the day: +2 

Thursday April 24th: Shorts were triggered premarket just before the open off of 1869.75. We were looking for shorts in the 1876 area once broken but no pullback. Ok will look to hit the 1872.75 area and still not pullback. Market just dropped. A bounce from 1865 should give us our 1870 to 1872.75 test. Short 1869.50 for +1. Will hit is again at 1869.50 for +1 and +2. A break of 1868 = a test of the low of the day. Short 1867.75 for +1, +2, and +3. Now we wait and see if we get that move to 1970.50/1972.75. 8:27 short 1870.75 for +1. 8:31 short 1871.75 for +1. Now wait a bit more. 9:49 short 1871.50 for +1 and +2.  Total for the day: +4 conservatively

Wednesday April 23rd: Strong 1872.75 resistance coming in to the open and longs working and hit target premarket. A break of 1871 = an 1868 area test with possible 1867.25 overall. Short 1871.75 and +.75 as buyers clearly holding 1871. Market moved quickly higher but no longs triggered. Back below 1872 = shorts again 1871.50 still looking for downside targets. +1 and will hold through the New Home Sales for a potential move lower. It’s a free trade so no risk. Report came out and the market quickly traded to 1867.50. for +2 and +3. Tried shorts one more time on a break of 187. Short 1869 and -1.25. A move above 1870 triggers longs off of 1870.75 for +1 and +2. Will hit longs one more time 1872.50 and -.75 no follow through north of 1872. Below 1870 shorts again. Short 1869.75 for +1. Market is range bound and little follow through. . Total for the day: +2

Tuesday April 22nd: Longs were in play coming in to the open. Strong resistance at 1867/68 area with active selling so we decided to wait. After the reports came out a move back above 1867 triggers additional longs but with 1868 still overhead we opted to pass and wait for another opportunity. We finally got a nice trade at 8:30 long 172.75 for +1. Then it went quiet and we waited. at 8:51 buyers recommitted and triggered additional longs at 1873 for +1 and +2 . Total for the day: +2

Monday April 21st: Volume was very low this morning due to the European holiday. We had about 50K contracts coming in to the open so we were very cautious and waited to see how the market would react. Passed on 2 longs as strong resistance in the 62 to 64 area and did not want to get tangled up in that. After spending some time trying to get through 64, a move back below 62 triggered shorts. Short 1861.50 for +1, +2 and +3 and our 1868 target hit and then some. A bounce toe 1859.75 can short one more time. Short 1859.25 for +1 as buyers active right below at 1858 area. Back above 1860 longs are triggered again. Long 1861.50 for +.5 as market is really slowing down. Total for the day: +2.5

Friday April 18th: Good Friday Holiday – No Trading

Thursday April 17th: Short 1855.75 on a bounce and a break of 1855 at the open. +1 and +2. Will hold for now as 52/51 targets hit and good support. A move above 1853/1854 triggers longs. Long 1852.75 for +1 and +2. Above 1956 = 1859.25. Long 1856.25 for +1 and +2. Time to start the long holiday weekend! Total for the day: +2

Wednesday April 16th: Tried longs off the open with a strong YM. -2 and out very quickly. long 1847 and last chance for longs. +1. Below 1846 = shorts in play our 1841 target. Short 1845.75 for +1 and +2. Will hold for lower and out at +2.5 buyers relentless at 1843. Above 1844 = early longs (not total confirmation). Long 1845.25 for +1. Tried longs again 1845.25 and -1.5. below 1844 = shorts again and short 1841.75 for +1. One more short 1843.75 for +1 and +2 and our 1841 hit. Had to wait a while but above 1845 = longs. Long 1846.25 and +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2.5

Tuesday April 15th: We had strong buying off of 1826/1827 off the open and a very strong YM. Long 1827.50 for +1, +2, and more. Our 1835 target easily hit. Tried longs one more time after the Housing report. Long 1832.25 ad -1.5. Sellers hit it hard and a break of 1831.50 = 1828, 1826, and 1824 area. Short 1830.50 for +1 and +2. Breaking 1828 = lower targets. Short 1827.75 +1 and +2. Will have to wait for either a break of 1828 or 1825 for more trading. 1825 broken, short 1823.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2.5

Monday April 14th: Secondary longs right at the open. It’s either 1821 or 1820. Long 1821.25 and 1820.25. +1 on both. A break of 1820 = a test of 1817.50 and 1815.50. Short 1817.50 for +1 and +2. Back above 1810 it’s longs again but will have to wait. 1822.75 looks like good short term support. Lng 1823.75 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3

Friday April 11th: Shorts were triggered right at the open. Short 1817.50 for +1 and +2. Back above 1818 longs are triggered but YM is totally out sync so will wait. Above 1821 we will try longs as YM still not there but looking better. Long 1821.25 for +.5. Just does not look right and YM quickly retreating. Below 1818 again and shorts triggered, Short 1818.50 for +1 and +2. Now wait for a bit and see if 1814.50 buyers are still active. Looks like they are but 1818.25 should provide a last chance for shorts. Short 1818.25 for +5. Buyers too strong and the ES went straight up to 1822. Above 1820 = longs again. Long 1820 for +1 and +2. Secondary longs above 1824 triggered, long 1823.75 for 1 and +2.   Total for the day: +4.5

Thursday April 10th: We opened with longs already working premarket and upside targets, 1865 area hit. Sellers came right in at the opne but no shorts triggered. Back above 1863 we will work longs. Above 1864 is better. Buy 1864.50 for +1 and +2 not filled as the high of the day ended at 1866.50. Flat. Shorts triggered below 1863 but we will be patient. ES breaking down, sell 1862.25 (a bit low) and -1.25 exited before stop hit. 1863.50 area is better. Short 1983.50 for +1. A break of 1862.25 triggers more downside and our 1859.50 target. Short 1861.75 for +1 and +2. Early longs are triggered and given YM strength. Long 1862.50. 1862 did not hold and exited on the bounce to 1862.50 for -.5. If we break 1860.50 will short 1860.25/50. Short 1860.50 for +1 and +2 and our downside target of 1856.50. The market continued down for the rest of the day and hit some lower downside targets below the 1830.75 hit the other day. The ES is much weaker this past week and possible more downside to come tomorrow and Monday.   Total for the day: +2.75

Wednesday April 9th: The ES was at key 1851 resistance at the open with signs of sellers hitting it hard. We will wait for a break of 51 or 49.50. 1840.50 broken and sell 1849.50 for  1848/1846 targets both hit for +1, +2 as anything below 1847 was good enough. News came out with a great short but we will pass and wait. Plenty of buyers at 1846. Back above 1849 1850 area longs are in play. Buy 1849.50 for +1, +2 and our 1852.50 target hit to the tick. Anything above 1852.25 is high enough. The market is slow awaiting FOMC minutes from the last meeting. That’s it for today.  Total for the day: +2

Tuesday April 8th: Shorts triggered right at the open, sell 1837.50 for an 1835 1836 area test and right on cue the market tested 1835.50. Then a strong up move triggering longs but no buy signals generated and the market dropped right back down giving it all back to the opening 1835.50 support. Below 1838 shorts looked really good but way too early. Tried it anyway at 1837.75 and added 1839.50 for BE on the 1837.75 and +1 on the 1839.50 right before news. Shorts were eventually confirmed but with 1837 holding no shorts. 1837 broke and sell 1836.75/50 for an 1824 target, below that is 1831.25. Both hit and +1 and more on the short. Back above 1837 longs triggered again, early buy 1837.25 for +1 and +2. More conservative was later buy 1842.25 for +1. Total for the day: +4

Monday April 7th: Longs in play coming in to the open but strong 1855 resistance above. YM breaking all resistance and buyers holding 1853.50. Buy 1854.25. Sellers were relentless at 1855. +.5. Below 1853 shorts are triggered but we have to wait. Tried agr shorts 1848.75 and 1849.75. +.75 on the 1849.75 and BE on the 1848.75. Will wait and see if sellers are going to come in at better prices. Sellers did not. Above 1853 back to longs. Long 1853.50 for +1 and +2 and our 1857 target. Then stop and see what the market wants to do. Below 1853 shorts again. Short 1852 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2.5

Friday April 4th: The jobs report drove the market to new highs ES hitting 1892. But the report was not that good. Buyers have been hitting the market long since the short term bottom at 1834. We said that sellers would hit it right at the open taking profits on their longs of almost 60 points and lighten up any positions coming in to the weekend. Shorts hit from the open and the ES broke hard. Sell 1888.75/1889.25 looking for 1886 and 1884.75 initial targets. Targets hit for +1, +2, and a lot more. Then we waited for a bounce from the 1881.50 area which came in strong. Tried early shorts without much confirmation at 1885.50 and took +.5. One more time at 1887.50 for +.25 buyers are relentless. 1889.25 area should produce some good selling and we have confirmation. Short 1889.25 for +1. Will take early longs. Two places 1887.50 area OR 1885.5. Buy 1887.50 for +1. Looks like more pullback. Buy 1885.50 for +1, +2, and more looking for a test of 1890 area. Will buy 1887.25 and barely squeaked out +1. Back to shorts but until 1885 breaks will hold off. 85 broken and hit it short at 1885 for +1, +2 ad the low of the day target. A break of 1881.5 = a test of 1877. Sell 1880.5 for +1 and +2. The ES was taken down much further as the morning went on. No need to keep hitting it. Enjoy the weekend. Total for the day: +4

Thursday April 3rd: Very similar open to yesterday right up against the 86.50 resistance. Buy 1885.75 looking for 1886.50 for +.75. Sidelines for a while and will see if shorts line up after the news. We have shorts but like yesterday right in to strong sup 83.25 and the previous close is 1883. Sell 1884.50 for +.5. For now just scalps. Have another chance for selling against 1885 but will pass as support still holding. Eventually 1883 broken shorts triggered. Sell 1881.50 for +.75 as very big level 1880 right below. Traders are waiting on the jobs report tomorrow and volume has been low the last few days. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday April 2nd: Longs triggered right at the open, however, very strong resistance at 1880. Buy 1879.25 and scalp for +.5 as sellers active at 1880 as expected. YM breaking hard and ES following but just like strong resistance above, strong support in 1877 area. Agr entry (too agr) sell  1877.75 will sell higher 1879 if we have to. Sell 1879.25. +1 on the 1879.25 and BE on the 1877.75 as we traded to 1877.50. Still have to stick with shorts while YM is so weak. Sell 1879.50 for +.5 as buyers holding 1878.75. Small range and choppy will have to let them figure this out. However, longs are back in play above 1979/1878.75. 8:06 buy 1879 for +.75 knowing sellers are not quitting in front of 1880. Back below 1878.75 then back above = longs triggered again above 1878.75. Buy 1878.75. This time YM is on board and should see our 1882.50 target. +1 and +2. That’s enough for the morning. Total for the day: +3

Tuesday April 1st: For the last few days the ES has been bought right out of the gate and today was no different. Above 1871 longs are triggered. Long 1871.75 for +1 and +2 then flat before news. a move higher to our upside 1876.75 target after the news and that is high enough. No additional longs. Will wait for a break of 1873.50 which we got. Short 1872.75 for +1. Market has gone very quiet so we will call it a day. Total for the day: +2


2014 March Total: 55.75

Monday March 31st: We came in to the open with longs already in play. Breakout longs triggered on a print of 1862 at 7:33 for +1 and our 1864.50 target. Secondary longs off of 1861.50 looked good but Chicago PMI came out right as the trade set up. We will wait. Market was getting tired and our 1866.50 upside target hit after the report. Tried early shorts 1863.75 at 8:27 and scalped for a tick as buyers still strong off of 64. Tried a little higher 1864.75 at 8:36 same thing, one tick scalp. Market is just not ready to break yet. Back to longs above 1865 and scalped for another tick at 8:45. Sellers are relentless above 1866 and YM is much weaker than ES at this point. Tight range with little conviction. A break of 1863 will trigger much better shorts and we are done with longs for now. 1863 broken, short 1862.50 at 9:21 for +1 and +2. All trades except the final short were secondary and most conservative traders would stay away from breakouts and early shorts. Total for the day: +1 conservatively

Friday March 28th: Looking for longs at 1845.50 at the open. The ES opened and tested 1845.50 but did not like all the selling at the expected 1847 area so we waited and missed the long. 2 upside targets, 1854 and 1858 area. Right after consumer sentiment at 7:58 bought 1853.75 for +1, +2 and +2. Then on the sidelines again. Patience was rewarded. At 8:42 bought 1856.25 for 1858 target  Total for the day: +2

Thursday March 27th: Technical issues, ISP outage early in the day. No trades for the first 2 hours. Things came back on line just in time to take 1843.50/75  shorts at 9:27 looking for 1839 target which was easily hit. As we moved lower, secondary shorts, another shot at 1838.25/39 was triggered at 10:03 and our low of the day test was complete. Above 1838.39 longs are triggered but no way to get in. Sit and wait. Longs at 10:36 at 1840.25 for +1 and +2. That was good enough given the late start.  Total for the day: +3

Wednesday March 26th: Market was bit whipsaw early on today. A move to 1868 was met with strong selling and a break of 1865 triggers shorts but that is too low to sell. We will sell 1866.50 or higher. Short 1866.50 for +1. A quick move lower then right back to 1866.50 and will hit it again. +1 and +2. Our downside target is 1862.25 but buyers are strong at 1864. If 1864 breaks secondary shorts are triggered. Short 1863 and +.75 just a scalp, still strong buyers. Early longs triggered back above 1862, long 1862.50 for +1.  Total for the day: +3.75

Tuesday March 25th: Longs were triggered premarket just before the open. We were looking to buy in the 1857 area on the open but the market just took and went to our first 1862 target. 1864 area next target and tried to buy 1860 with no fill. OK one last time will try 1861.25 and long for +1 and flat right after the news as we stayed in for the pop to 1863. Had to wait a while for another trade. Not interested in longs. Below 1859 shorts are triggered. Short 1857.75 for +1 and +2. Will try shorts one last time 1854.25 for +1.  Total for the day: +3

Monday March 24th: Longs triggered premarket above 1861/62 area and coming in to the open the ES hit our 1864.50/1865.50 targets right off the open. Key resistance at 1865.50 so longs are done and we will wait for a move below 1859.75 for shorts to be triggered. Short 1859.25 for +1, +2 and +3 and our 1855 target. Wait to see if they break the 1855 area. Broken! Short 1852.75 looking for 1846.25 and target hit. 1847 strong support and YM at key support also. Will hold off of 1849.75 shorts and see if the ES can trade to 1846.75 to trigger 1846.75 breakout shorts. Breakout triggered for 1846.75 shorts and +1 and more for those holding for 1843 target. . Total for the day: +3

Friday March 21st: Options expiration today so not expecting much for the morning session. Longs were triggered at the open off of 1872 with 1874 and 1876 targets. Too fast to get in. Will try one last scalp longs at 1873.50 for a 1874.50 test. +.75. Longs are done on that test. Will wiat for shorts. Below 1872 shorts in play. Shorts 18 1871 OR a bit more conservative, 1869.75. +1 and +2 on the 71’s and +2 on the 69.75 as next target is 1868. Target hit to the tick. Above 1872 longs again. Long 1872.25 for +.75. Going to start the weekend early. Total for the day: +2.5

Thursday March 20th: An interesting day today. Lots of smaller trades even with a trending day. Long after the open 1850.75(too high) and 1850. BE on the first and +.5 on the second. Tried longs one more time 1849.75 and stopped for -2 on a deep pullback. After the report long 1849.50 for +1. Tried 1851 longs no fill and watched the market hit all upside targets in to the 1859.25 area. Short 1859.25 for +1 while waiting for a pullback to buy 1857 area. Long 1858 for +1. Breakout longs (agr trade) -1.75. Better longs 1856.75 for +1. Long 1856.50 for +1. Long 1856.25 -1.25. Will hit again as 1855 is key support and still in long mode. Long 1856.50 for +1 and +2. Long 1856.75 for +1. Long 1858.25 for +1. Signs of buying kept us hitting the longs while sellers just did not want to quit until a nice move back above 1857 broke the sellers and longs eventually hit our 1864.75 and 1866 area targets.   Total for the day: +3.5

Wednesday March 19th: FOMC today and not expecting much out of this range bound choppy market with key res at 1867 and support 1864/1862. A break of 1864 = an 1861.50 test. Short 1863.25 for +.5 and a test of 1862.25 after clear signs of buying. Back above 1865 area longs are triggered. Long 1866 for +.75 and our 1867.50 target missed by a tick. That’s all for today.  Total for the day: +1.75 

Tuesday March 18th: ES opened up on the day but below some key 1856 area resistance and right above key support so we will wait for a move above 1856 or below 1852. We got our move above 1956 as expected but YM still not quite in line. Will take longs 1856.50 on a move back above 1855.75 once again for +1 and +2 looking for 1859.50 and exited one point in front. Expected selling came in at 1860+ but support not is in the 1859 area. Long 1859.25 and it took a while but +1 and +2. Higher targets of 1863.50 for multiple lot traders..  Total for the day: +2 

Monday March 17th: Longs in play right off the open from 1843.25 for +1 and +2 and our 1845.75 target hit. Additional upside targets 1848 and 1852 for multiple lot traders. We Housing Market Index news come out then bought 1851.50 for +1, +2, and +3 and our upside 1855/1856.60 targets which was high enough for the day.  Total for the day: +2 

Friday March 14th: An interesting morning with a spike in volatility. When candles are moving 3 to 5 points each, 2 pt stops are not going to be enough. 1839.50 resistance off the open with a probe to 1840.25. Short 1839.25 for +1 looking for 1837’s to buy but have to be patient. Everything lined up nicely but no fills at 1837.75 area and the ES went straight up. Not typical but fading shorts at 43.25 for 44.25 was looking good for a pullback. Short 1843.25 and 44.25 for +1 each. Now we have news out shortly. Conservative traders will stand aside until the news. A bounce from 1838.75 and Long 1840.50 for +1. Another strong move higher and long 1841 for +1. Will try longs one more time after the break of 1844 and stopped for -2. Now we wait for a move below 1840 or above 1843 area. 1840 broken. Will take break out shorts 1877.50 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3 conservatively

Thursday March 13th: Breakout longs at the open. Long 1874 for 1875.50 but too much selling and scalped for 3 ticks. Pullback to 1873.50 support long 1873.50 for +.75 still too much selling against 1874. Shorts triggered below 1872. Short 1871.75 for +.5 as YM still too strong. We will wait this out. Market became very weak and short at 18565.25 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +3.25

Wednesday March 12th: Shorts were in play at the open with resistance at 1859.50. Short 1859.50 and looking for 1857, 1856, 1853.75. +1 as just too much buying. Market spiked up. Still no longs. A “print” of 1857 = 1856 and 1853.75. Short 1857 for +1 and +2. Above 1857 shorts are done but still too early for longs. Above 1860 area, longs are triggered. Long 1860 for =1 and +2. Total for the day: +3

Tuesday March 11th Coming in to the open we had already hit the 1880.50 target on the upside. Breaking 1878.50 is key to potential downside targets, 1876, 1873.75, 1871.50. 1878.50 broken but still too early for shorts. A break of 1875 says 1873.75/1871.75 is in order. Short 1874.50 for +1 and +2. Then news. Shorts at 1874.50 taken out at -1 with enough warning along the way that shorts would not work out. Back above 1878 longs triggered. Long 1878 for +1 and +2.  Later, after just missing 1883 target, below 1878.50 again = shorts. Short 1877.75 for +1 and +2. Total for the day: +2

Monday March 10th Slightly choppy at the open and need to let the market figure out what it wants to do. YM much weaker than the ES will put a damper on the upside against 1875 resistance area. A break of 1872 = a test of 1869 and 1866.50. Shorts 1871.50 for +1 and +2. Wait a bit longer to see if 1870 breaks. 1870 broken, Shorts 1868.25 area for +.75 as lots of buying down there and 1866.50 already tested tested.   Total for the day: +1.75

Friday March 7th: After the jobs report today the ES went to new contract highs and was met with sellers at 1888 area. Coming in to the open we were still in buy mode. Secondary longs 1883.00  but we must hold 1883. 1883 broken right at the open and out with -.5 but still worth a shot. 1880 next target down and ES went beyond that. 1881 area is good for shorts. Short 1881 for +1. Will hit it again, for +1. Now wait. Would like to hit 1883 shorts but YM too strong. Back below 1879 will take shorts 1879.25 for +1 and +2. A test and hold of 1874 = a test of 1877 and shorts. Short 1877 for +1.  Total for the day: +3.5

Thursday March 6th: ES moved much better today with longs triggered above 1876 at the open. Long 1877 for +1 and +2. We let news pass the longs again 1878.5 for +1. Upside target was 1881.75 however the market went very quiet so exited. Eventually the ES did push up as high as 1881 and that was the high of the day. Total for the day: +2

Wednesday March 5th: Small range for the day, more opportunities with smaller profits typical. Short at the open 1872 for +1 and +2. Longs triggered but passed on with very weak YM early on and for most of the day.  Report came out and took the market down with shorts triggered but right against really strong 1870 support. Short 1872.75, last chance for sellers here, +.5. After about 10 minutes longs were shaping up off of 1872 but YM still weaker and weaker. Exited +.25. Had to wait a while for another break of a level. ES broke 1872 short 1872.25 but buyers coming in strong and flat at -.5. Ok back to longs but cautious with YM still much weaker. Long 1872.25. YM breaking exited for +.5. Back to shorts again, short 1872.75 and once again buyers way too strong out at -.5. Back and forth without any follow through. Will try longs 1873.25 and -1.5 very quickly. And it’s back to shorts. Short 1871.50/75 for +.5 while at 1871 support. Short one more time at 1872.50 for +.75. And back to long, long 1872.25 for +1. Lots of back and forth, scalping for a few ticks here and there. Great day for learning to manage tight ranges and small winners.  Total for the day: +2

Tuesday March 4th: The ES was up strong coming in to the open holding key 1860 support. Back above 1862 longs are triggered and 1862 was broken just before the open. We have 2 choices after the open, buy 1864.25 or better support 1862.50. +1 for 1864 and sellers were active aboe 1865.50 our upside target. Let the market pullback to our 1862.50. +1 and +2 on the 1863.00.  One more opportunity off of 1865.25 for +.75 as ES was stalling with YM lagging. +.75 and +1. A print of 1868.50 = 1869.75 test/target. Breakout entry = 1868.25 with pullback entry 1866.50. +1 on both. Total for the day: +3.75

Monday March 3rd: Coming in to the open longs are triggered above 1841. A quick probe lower and bounce says 1842.5 longs for an 1845. area test for +1, and +2. Above 1846 = a test of 1850 but have to give it some time. Buyers are in buying 1846 area so longs 1846.50 for +1 and +2. Below 1844 shorts are triggered with 1842.50 shorts for a test of 1838 but buyers coming in strong at 1839.50 for +1 and sidelines. Tried agr longs 1844 and taken out quickly for -1.5. We knew that one was risky but worth a shot and right back to shorts at 1841.50 for +1, +2. Total for the day: +2.5


2014 February Total: 48.25

NOTE* Increased volatility this month has allowed for more opportunities and greater profit potential this month in the first few hours of the day than our typical 2 point daily goal.

Thursday February 27th and Friday February 28th: No Trading…..out of town.

Wednesday February 26th: Just prior to the open primary shorts were triggered with a target of  1845 test. Short 1847.25 for +1 and flat before the open. Buyers came in but no longs triggered. Would like to short 1847.50 but 1845 too important to sell in to. 1845 breaks = 1841/42. 1845 broken and short 1844.75 for +1, +2, and +3. New Homes Sales came out and the buyers jumped in on the news. Still, 1845 area shorts are valid for an 1843.25 test. Short 1844.25 for +1. That was enough for the morning. Total for the AM: +3

Tuesday February 25th: Straight forward day today. Strong resistance at 1846 this morning. Longs were in play premarket so we will wait. Below 1844 will trigger shorts. Short 1843.50 for +1 and +2. A “print” of 1840.25 = 1839/38 test will buyers expected at 1837 area. +1, +2 on the 1840 short. Back above 1842 longs are triggered. We either buy 1842 or 1841. Bought both for quick profits and our 1845/46 area test. Total for the AM: +3

Monday February 24th: They started buying right off the open. A quick test of 1837, strong support then back above 1838/1840 longs are in play. Looking for a pullback to 1840.50 area but the buying would not stop in the 1841.25/50 area. No longs here as feels like chasing so will wait. Patience was rewarded and we took longs off of 1847 for +1. Secondary longs 1848.50 and 1849 on breaks of key levels were added on for +1 and +2 on both. Total for the AM: +3

Friday February 21st: Internet Outage: No Trading Today!

Thursday February 20th: We came in to the open with longs already triggered. Could take secondary longs but support below seemed too area away so we passed. Now that we have established better support at 1826 we will try longs one time. Long 1826.25 for +1 and our initial target of 1827.50 hit. Really not expecting it to get higher than that till after the report. News came out and market broke but recovered quickly to the 1825.50 res. Short 1825.50 looking for a test of 1822.75. Target hit and +1 and +2. No break of 1822 says no more downside. Back above 1826 = longs triggered. Looking for a 26.50 area test but buyers are showing us that 1827.75/50 is going to hold. Long 1828.00 for +1, +2, and +3 in front of our 1832 target. Secondary longs triggered off of 1832 but 1834 target already hit. Will hold off for now. We waited a while for the market to test lower support then back above 1831/1832 we will hit longs one last time. Long 1832 for +1 and higher targets hit for multiple lot traders. Total for the morning: +4

Wednesday February 19th: Primary shorts were triggered just before the open off of 1832.50 looking for a test of 1931. Short 1832.50 and +1. Strong support at 1831 area. A move above 1834 =  upside targets of 1836 to 1840, and 1943.50. Market took off strong on a breakout above 1834. We have a good entry trigger at 1836.75. Long 1836.75 for +1, +2, and +3 and exited in front of 1840 a key resistance level for several days. We did hit out 1843.50 target. Tried some scalp long in to the all important 1840 area. Long 1842 and took 3 ticks. YM is weak. Long again 1841. +.25 YM even weaker. Will try one last time at 1840.50. YM has to hold 16150. Long 1840.50 for +1 and an 1842.25 test. Market broke hard below the 1840 our trigger for shorts. Will short 1836 area on a bounce. Short 1836.25 for +1, +2, ad +3. More trades than we would typically take but they just lined one one after another but patience was required, and as always, patience is rewarded. Total for the morning: +4

Tuesday February 18th: We opened with longs triggered and a much weaker YM. Have to be cautious on longs. L1837.25, a terrible fill and YM below 16120 ES will not break 1838. Scalped for 2 ticks. Tried secondary longs looking for a small bounce and a scalp but YM broke hard and ES began trading below 1836. Long 1836.25, out -1. Short 1835.00 for +1 and +2 and out 1832.75 target hit. Now we will try one more time in front oa 1834. Short 1833.75 for +1. Tried more shorts (YM still very weak) at 1835. This is not going to work and exit the trade with -.5. One last chance for shorts 1836.75, for +.75 as back above 1836 shorts are really done. Longs are on hold right now till we spend some time above 1836. When things line up we will buy 1836.50/25 area. Long 1836.75 and 1836.50 for +1 and a test of 1838. One last long on a break of 1837, long 1838.75 for +1. Total for the morning: +3.5

Monday February 17th: No trading today: President’s Day Holiday

Friday February 14th: ES bounced quickly off of key 1821/22 support and back above 1824 but no longs were triggered. Fading the strong 1827 looked like a good bet but Friday coming in to a holiday weekend, no need to do that. ES did in fact break from 1827 as expected and we saw buyers coming in at 1822 again yet below 1824.50. YM still lagging so will try shorts 1823.50 and 1824.50 as could break lower from either levels. +1 on the 1824.50 and BE on the 1823.50 with Consumer Sentiment coming out shortly so will wait on the sidelines. A quick move back above 1824 area and YM now showing some strength, we will buy 1825.25/1824.25. Why both areas? Market is choppy but could still see a move off of 1825’s and don’t want to be left behind Long 1825.25 and 1824.25 (More conservative primary entry). +.5 on the 1825 entry and +1, +2 and +3 on the 1824.50. Now we wait for the 1829/1828.25 area to be tested. Lots of buying at 1829 so long 1929.50 for +1. More conservative = wait for a move back above 1830 and buy 1830.50. Both worked for +1 and our 1832 test. Time to start the long weekend. Total for the day: +3

Thursday February 13th: Similar to yesterday, secondary shorts off the open in to support so just looking for a test of 1803. Short 1804.50 for +1. Back above 1806 longs are triggered but with such strong 1807/08 resistance overhead and a lagging YM we opted to stand aside and miss a potentially great trade. Can’t get hurt on the sidelines. The market did in fact break the 07/08 area but no opportunity to buy. Business inventories came out and the buying never stopped. We should see some selling in the 1816 area and that’s what we got looking for longs 1813.25 to 1812.50. We took both. 1813.50 for +1 and 1812.75 for +1 and +2. Higher targets hit, 1822 area for multiple lot traders. Total for the day: +3

Wednesday February 12th: Nice primary longs were in play right at the open buying 1817.25 for 1820.25 and 1823.50 upside targets. +1, +2, and +5. Then we waited to see if 1820.25 would be good for another chance at buying. Long 1820.50. 1820.50 hit but no fills. We were in scalp mode with secondary trades here. Some traders took a stop so we will count it as a loss of -2. Below 1818 shorts in play. Short 1818 for +1. Will hit it again for +1 and +2. Time to leave it alone again. A break of 14 = a test of 1812. Short 1814.25 for +1 and +2.  Back above 1815 longs are triggered. Long 1815.50 for +1. Total for the day: +3

Tuesday February 11th: We came in to the open in sell mode but right on top of the 1795 support and 1794.75 previous close. Still, shorts looked good at 1797 and 1798. Short 1796.75 looking for a test of the lows and we got it instantly. +1. Will short 1798’s. Short 1798 for +1. Buyers are strong so shorts are done but longs are not triggered. Will take a move above 1798/99 to trigger longs. Then timing wise will probably hit around the reports today and Yellen also testifying. A little unorthodox but strong resistance at 1801/02 and we are looking for a test of 1798/99 for longs. Short 1801.75 for +1. The reports came out and very little movement so long 1799.25 for +1. Some traders scalped on my recommendation as it was struggling to get above 1800 but 1800.75 at least should be tested and it was.  +.75 Total for the day: +3.75

Monday February 10th: ES opened slightly lower below the 1793.50 previous close but right on top of 1790 support. Will look for buyers/buying at 1790. Buyers came in as expected and long 1790.50 for +1 and our 1792 target another strong resistance level. We waited a bit for the market to find it’s way. After a strong bounce off of 1788 and back above 1792 we looked for a “print” of 1792.50 which says 1793.50 should be hit. Long 1792.00 and +1 on a test of 1793.50. A reset for our primary trades and longs on a test of 1790.50. Long 1791 for +1 and 1792 holding like a rock. Wait for the market to tip it’s hand. A break of 1793 or 1789.50 will do just that. 1789.50 broken and short 1788.25 for +1 and our 1787 test. Small range, choppy, that’s enough to today.  Total for the day: +4

Friday February 7th: Market spiked up and down pretty hard after the jobs report to the tune of 28 points and closing lower premarket but made a strong comeback for the open. Good support is 1776/77 and we will look to buy in that area on a test. Long 1776.25 for +1, +2, and +3. The market began to quiet down a bit so we waited for a solid trade rather than force it. A break of 1777.25 says a test lower to 1772.75 is in order. Short 1776.50 for +1, +2, then we waited again. No need to rush today. Back above 1776 (they really like trading around this number today) we will look for longs. Not much of a pullback so we will buy 1777.25. Long 1777.25 for +1 to end the morning. We have much higher targets but it’s been a good week and time to get away from the screens. Total for the day: +3

Thursday February 6th: A nice upside trending day today. A break back above 1749/50 area triggers longs. We waited patiently for a pullback to the 1750 area. It did not happen. Then we waited for a retrace to 1753.50 and it did not happen s0…….we bought 1755.50/75 for a 1759, 1761 area test. +1, +2, and +3. 1761 was important enough to take a wait and see stance until buyers once again tipped their hand. Long 1760.75 for +1 and +2. We expected sideways market from this point on against the 1766 area and that is exactly what we got for the rest of the morning.  Total for the day: +2

Wednesday February 5th: The market was a little volatile coming in to the open today much the same as yesterday. 1742 was good support but 1744 is strong resistance and the market had been trapped for 1/2 an hour before the open between them. More agr traders will buy 1742.25 at the open OR more conservative will wait for 1744 to break then buy 1744. We did not have to wait long before 1744 was broken. Long 1744.50 for +1 and +2 and our 1746 target hit. Then it was wait for news. While the ISM Non Mfg was coming out, that was not the reason for a 9 point move straight up as Fed officials were talking at the same time. Tried longs 2 places, 1744 which normally would have held, and 1741.50/1742 area. 1744’s were a tad high so added at 1741.50 area. +1 on the 1741.50/75’s and -1.25 on the 1744’s as sellers came right in. Basically a BE trade. Below 1739 hit it short instantly for +1, +2 and +3. Will short again at 1736 for +1 and +2. Above 1736 = a 1739.75 test and one last short. Short 1739.75 for +1 and +2 and our 1737 test. Total for the day: +4

Tuesday February 4th: No trading today, out of the office.

Monday February 3rd: Shorts in play at the open below 1778. Scalp shorts against 1776 looking for a test of 1774.25 and it cam quickly for +1. While 1778 was still good for shorts 1774.50 is a key support and will wait for it to be broken. We did not have to wait long. Short 1774.00 for +1, +2, and +2 and our 1771.25 target hit. Then we waited for the ISM which did not come out favorable and the market broke hard while breaking 1771.25 and 1768. We will lean on 1768 for shorts for at 1762 area target. Short 1767.50 for +1, +2, and +3. Total for the AM: +3


2014 January Total: 42.25

Friday January 31st: No trading out of town.

Thursday January 30th: No trading out of town.

Wednesday January 29th: Market opened with shorts in play. Below 1874 shorts are good for the test of recent lows, 1770 area. Short 1872.50 for +1 and +2. Will hit it one more time as YM is weak. Short 1772.75 for +1 and +2. That’s a good enough test and buyers active below 1770. Higher shorts are available until longs are triggered. Short 1776.25  for +1 and +2. Above 1776.50 longs are good. Long 1777.50 and stopped -2. Sellers cam in quickly. Will try longs one more time 1775 and squeaked out +1. Below 1774 shorts again. Short 1773.75 for +1 and +2. Back above 1776.50 longs again, (just like earlier). Long 1776.25 for +1 and +2. Quite a few trades with the increased volatility. The good news is you don’t have to wait around to know if you are right or wrong. Total for the AM: +4

Tuesday January 28th: We opened slightly higher but in sell mode. Though secondary, with a weak Durable Goods report, very weak, tried short at 1778 for a quick +1. Back above 1779 longs should be triggered but we had to wait. While we wait, hit it short one more time at 1780.25 for +1 as 1779 showed too much buying. If we break 1782 longs will be triggered. Long 1782.25 for +1 and +2. Now we have very agr longs 1785.50, OR, wait for the 1784. Took both. Scalped the 1785.50 (went to 1786.75), then bought again on the pullback to 1784 looking for a 1786 test. Long 1784 for +1 and +2 and flat. Total for the AM +4

Monday January 27th: Short off the open below 1788 should be good for an 86/85 area test. +1. Just looking for a quick point as 1785 is important support. If 1785 holds we should see 1790 again but will wait to see if longs are officially triggered. They were not. Then we had news. Conservatively a break of 85 downside or a break of 90 upside should get us moving. 1785 broke, and short 1785.25 for +1, +2 and +3. Market became very weak as with 85 broken lots of selling was triggered. We waited for a decent pullback to the 1783 area for shorts more ore time. Short 1783 for +1 and +2. Total for the AM: +3

Friday January 24th: Market opened 10+ points lower at the open, right at 1812.50 res and poised for shorts. Short 1812.25 for +1, +2, and+4 and our downside initial targets hit. The 1805.50/1806 area is key and the ES bounced from 1805.50 to 1811 but sellers were too much and back below 1808.75 triggers shorts again. Short 1808.75 for +1, +2, and +4 and flat in front of out 1802.75 target. One more short on a break of 1806 which just occurred, short 1805.75 for +1, +2, and +3. Total for the AM: +3

Thursday January 23rd: Text book shorts triggered on a break of 1827.75 for an 1823.75/1821.50 target. Both hit for +1, +2 and +3. However a break of 1823.75 = 1821.50 again and 1819.50. Short 1823.25 for +1, +2 and +3. Time for a little sideways and a break above 1821 = buying 1821.25 for 1823 test (scalp mode in a strong downtrend). Long 1821.50 for +1. Total for the AM: +3

Wednesday January 22nd: Longs still in play at the open with good support at 1840. Long 1840.25 and took .75 as YM once again breaking support and ES will not be going higher. A break of 1840 = 1837/36 area. Short 1839.50 for +1 and +2 and our 37 target hit. A quick bounce off of strong 37 area support says stay flat for now but a break of 1818 = lower again. Short 1937.50 for +1. Back above 39 longs are triggered though a bit early given the YM. Long 1839.25. YM not in agreement and ES struggling above 1840. -1.5. A break of 1817 = a test of 1835. Short 1836.75 for +1. Total for the AM: +2.25

Tuesday January 21st: Secondary longs triggered coming in to the open at 1842.50/75 for a test of 1844 which is strong resistance. +1. A break of 1842 weakens the market but that is not as important at YM dropping 80+ ticks  breaking all support. Though early Shorts are in play 42.50 to 43.50 and took both. +1 on the 4250 and +1, +2, and +4 on the 43.50. A break of 1837.25 = much lower. Short 1835.50 and 1836.50 right up against resistance. +1 , +2, and +3. That’s enough for the morning.  Total for the AM: +4

Friday January 17th: It’s always a tricky day when the ES and YM are out of sync. A strong YM today did not mean a strong ES. Tried somewhat agr longs off the open, long 1817.75 and before we could blink -2 and stopped. OK back to shorts. Short 1835 for +1 and our 34 area test. Short 1836, a little better, for +1 as YM still very strong and buyers on ES are coming out of the woodwork. To we have to sit for a bit for the ES and YM to sync up. Patience was rewarded and Es did sync with the YM and longs triggered 1837 with our 1839.50 target hit for +1 and +2. It’s a holiday weekend coming up and that’s good enough for the week.  Total for the AM: +1

Thursday January 16th: Choppy, whipsaw, and scalping are how we will describe the open. Coming in to the open longs are in play and 40.75 upside target should be hit. Long 1839.50 for +.75 and quick scalp as we know ahead of time sellers will hit it above 1840 and no surprise, sellers came right in. Below 1838.50 shorts are triggered. Short 1838.50 for +1. One more shot at it short 1838 and exited at +.75 only looking for a test of 1817 was strong support and buyers came right in. Back above 1839 it’s longs again, same as the open. Long 1839.25 for +.75 a scalp against the 1840’s. Then it was wait for a bit. Lots of trades, little follow through. We waited for a move below 1839 and our short filters to trigger. YM already much weaker overall than ES today. Short 1838.50 for +1, +2, and +3 exiting in front of our 1834.50 target which ended up being the low of the day.  Total for the AM: +3.5

Wednesday January 15th: Primary longs triggered right at the open and long 1836.75 for +1 and +2. Waited for news and a print of 1839.75 = a test of 1841/42. Long 1840 for +1 and +2. Overall an easy read and an easy day. Total for the AM: +2

Tuesday January 14th: We have secondary longs triggered off the open on a break of 1820.50 however 1820.50 is big resistance level so a bit risky but worth a shot. Long 1819.50. A break of 1819 says longs are done. -1 and below 1819 triggers shorts with a much weaker YM. Short 1818.50 for +1 and +2. Breaking 1817.25 says 1815 area tested. One more quick short before news. Short 1817.25 for +1 and flat. Back above 1818/1819 says 1823.50/1824.50 upside targets should be hit. Long 1819.50 (same as original opening longs) for +1 and +2. A print of 1822 = 1823.50 and higher for add on. Long 1821.75 for +.75 as YM below 16250 is trouble for ES upside. In spite of YM ES did make it to 1823.75 and that is high enough till YM breaks 16250. Total for the AM: +2.75

Monday January 13th: Longs triggered at the open with good support at 1834. YM struggling to move higher so caution is in order. Long 1835.25 for +.75 and scalped with YM help. Waited a while but YM did get on board with a move above 65 and longs again 1835.25 for +1 and +1 with aou 1837.75 target missed by a tick. This is high enough and market is struggling. A move back below 1835 triggers shorts. Short 1835.50 for +1 as 1834 strong sup right below. A break of 1834.25 triggers secondary shorts. Short 1834 for +1 and +2. Lots of downside targets below but we are at goal+ for the day so will call it a morning. Total for the AM: +3.75

Friday January 10th: The jobs report came out much less then favorable in premarket trading with the ES bouncing hard off of key support yet shorts are still in play coming in to the open. Work shorts 1837 to 1838. +1 and +2 and flat in front of 1834 but were looking for 1833.50. Wholesale trade is coming out so we will wait. In the meantime had to leave the office during the news. Came back with our lower targets 1831.50 and 1830.00 already hit. Best shorts are 1831.50 (a number we have been using for a few days now). Short 1831.50 for +1 and +2. Then sidelines again as this 1828 is strong support. A break of 1828 = 1826 test. Short 1828.50 for +1. Total for the AM: +3

Thursday January 9th: Tied in with CQG data today. Fast and reliable, just what we are looking for. Longs triggered at the open, long 1836.50 looking for a test of 1838. Target hit for +1. A break of 1835.50 shorts are triggered, Short 1835.50 for +1. Further continuation expected on a break of 1834.25. Short 1834 for +1 and +2 and a test of 1831.50. A break of 31.50 says 1829.75 and 1827.75, all targets easily hit. Total for the AM: +3

Zenfire Data issues continued through the New Year and through the better part of the second week of January. No trading was available at this time.

Thursday January 2nd: Member Training Only

Friday January 3rd: Room Closed No Trading